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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. cool...so say I hit a 4 iron 180...what kind of hybrid hits 200?
  2. those newfangled clubs? I'm an old timer...
  3. Weird...2 and 3 irons are crap for me....4 through wedge all the same, straight and beautiful...golf is weird and strange and random too.
  4. Just in case folks are a little freaked out about this and your info....about 7 years ago my wife and I had our ID stolen, someone filed a bogus tax return, SS number, etc... that's how I found out about it...we did a fraud alert and froze our credit...we've had ZERO problems...so all is not doom and gloom.
  5. I tried it...sorry...It put me to sleep. Not sure if anyone has mentioned these on Amazon...Brotherhood (Irish mob and politics in Providence RI) former Showtimes series, 3 seasons, kind of interesting. Also, Hand of God, judge who starts hearing God when his son attempts suicide and is left in a coma, the judge then hunts the people responsible for his son's plight.
  6. The critical info is already out there...a freeze just prevents anyone (including you) from opening new lines of credit.
  7. Looks like they adjusted their conditions: Update: Equifax issued a statement Friday evening. “In response to consumer inquiries, we have made it clear that the arbitration clause and class action waiver included in the Equifax and TrustedID Premier terms of use does not apply to this cybersecurity incident,” the company said. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2017/09/08/what-to-know-before-you-check-equifaxs-data-breach-website/?utm_term=.241cc0f698f4
  8. Depends on your state...some are free if you are a victim of identity theft....my state, it costs 10 bucks. http://www.creditcards.com/credit-card-news/credit-card-freeze-data-1276.php hehehehe
  9. friggin Canadian. jeez, you've got to give the exec's a chance to dump their stock Joe.
  10. Well that didn't take long...a class action suit has been filed. In the article I found this especially interesting....."three senior executives sold about $1.7 million in stock in the days following the discovery of the hack. A spokeswoman for Equifax said the men “had no knowledge that an intrusion had occurred at the time.” Yeah right. http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/equifax-sued-over-massive-hack-in-multibillion-dollar-lawsuit/ar-AArvtWk?li=BBnbfcN
  11. As I stated above (twice...does anyone read my posts?)...my wife and I got that message but my daughters did not.
  12. Got that for my wife and I, it's a yes...my daughters said they have not been impacted...that was a no nope...they are actually giving you protection AND I think insurance too...what people really need to do is do a SECURITY FREEZE of their credit...no applications will be accepted without them contacting you and verifying, if you want to for example take out a new loan, you have to unfreeze, fill out the application have them run the check and then refreeze it. A pain but worth it. I think it lasts 7 years....our is about it expire.
  13. just keep it clean bro....keep it clean.
  14. Find out if you're affected...my wife and I are...my daughters aren't.... https://trustedidpremier.com/eligibility/eligibility.html
  15. I'm a little concerned she has a lazy eye...
  16. hot take nounUS noun: hot take; plural noun: hot takes; noun: hottake; plural noun: hottakes a piece of commentary, typically produced quickly in response to a recent event, whose primary purpose is to attract attention.
  17. How the hell can you call yourself EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE?!?!?!?
  18. Oh and Happy Birthday nucci!
  19. I think it's obvious what he meant, they went through a process of installing a scheme they wanted to go with, evaluated players, and either kept them or jettisoned them because of fit, attitude, money or ability....aside from a few players who walked because they wanted to, they got draft picks to build a team they want....not because they were drafted by another regime....no doubt the players traded had talent, they didn't fit, had an attitude or wanted too much cash.
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