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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. LOL is post is in competition with my signature....
  2. LOL, I said to my wife last night "If the Bills lose, it just proves the NFL is fixed"...then I explained about the events of this week, the team represents NYC, etc...she just looked at me like and said "ok...enjoy the game". I'm not crazy....right?
  3. Dude, the sky is falling, all hope is lost...retreat to the bunker.
  4. LOL, I was thinking something very similar this morning... LOL "carve up"? Dude he threw for like 140...when TT does that, he sucks....right? stop posting my thoughts.
  5. Every team has looked like **** at some point this year, even the mighty Pats and Chiefs. WTF?
  6. About 38%...http://marknelson.us/2011/01/17/20-heads-in-a-row-what-are-the-odds/
  7. In HS I didn't really try and did enough to get by...Did the same thing in college, came late to class, walked out of class early, ended up on academic probation after the first two years, nearly kicked out. It was then that I had an epiphany "damn, I better get my **** together and actually give this a shot, I don't want to have to work full time". My last 2 years I was on the Deans list, taking up to 18 credits...kind of surprised myself. In graduate school, I hated my advisor who was a real dick and taught neuroanatomy, I would come in and turn on my tape recorder and tune out...I failed that class. I still remember him summoning me to his office and telling me "you know Mark, grad school and research isn't for everyone"...damn, took that class over, aced it and nailed my comprehensive exams in the same semester, spent the last 30 years doing research in academic and the pharmaceutical industry.
  8. lol...how many "flawed" wins does NE have...what a bunch of malarkey....
  9. Duh....Frosted chocolate fudge of course!
  10. CCHS 74-77...yep naked swimming, I always thought that was so frickin' weird.
  11. winning doesn't fit the narrative.
  12. :lol: wait....are you serious? HELL NO. Is this how far the Bills have sunk....Kyle Orton on the wall of fame...sigh...
  13. "Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly raised his left fist. After the anthem finished, Kelly sought out Dareus, who is inactive for today's game, and had a brief conversation that ended with a hug." https://www.upi.com/Sports_News/NFL/2017/09/24/Sunday-showdown-Every-NFL-player-owner-reactions-to-Donald-Trump-from-early-games/7981506280743/ Doesn't sound too divisive.
  14. WHAT?!?!?!? This is the big one! I'm comin' Elizabeth!
  15. Maybe this should be merged with the pet peeve thread on OTW
  16. meh...at least he wears a headset.
  17. Yep all the elites never dropped a pass, especially when they were rookies. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2017/02/18/terrell-owens-dropped-passes-as-great-receivers-do/
  18. I feel so dirty...a thread I participated in ended up in this netherworld....I gotta go....
  19. I read an opinion piece in my local rag by the "sports editor" who often comments on a lot of things non-sporting. In my opinion, he's one of those I'm smarter than any of you kind of guys. He was ranting this morning because in his mind, ESPN tried to fire her for doing her job. What? Here's what I don't get, she is a supposed "sports journalist", stick to sports, why does everyone have to drag up politics? Would there be outrage if some "sports journalist" came out in support of white supremacists? Of course! Would they get fired? Of course! These "sports journalists" need to just stick to sports.
  20. :death: :death: :death:
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