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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. how could Green know anything more than the negative nancies and ICE? He's FOS and obviously in denial.
  2. It was against the Cardinals!!! They're terrible!!!!! Bledsoe Apologist!!!!! you're in denial!!!!!
  3. he was throwing it to the ref who was walking by, it just missed him and grazed the Pats player...of course, the Pats got the call.
  4. yeah...and I'm Polish too! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  5. I just sick and tired of people telling me how to feel...I've been a fan for 40 some years...I guess I'm just dumb.
  6. it's a great quote, and can be used to describe many things!
  7. To Quote a great man... "if you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to get the results you have always had"
  8. and you're surprised by the reactions you get around here?
  9. The quality climbed after you left....again...presently the quality is low...but I'm sure it'll be goig back up again. Oh, BTW I don't really consider you a poster...more like a guest....or is that a pest?
  10. I don't need a weathvane to tell me which way the wind blows. If I enjoy this win, it makes me an KzooMike or unrealistic fan.... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  11. Jimmy Johnson and those guys think we can...they said so yesterday....but what do they know.
  12. if anyone saw that great MSU/Michigan triple overtime game...you saw the next Randy Moss...if you throw the ball anywhere near this guy, he'll get it...amazing. As far as the game...what a comeback! Down 17 points with 6 mins left, Michigan forces OT, then wins it! Those diaper dandies Henne and Hart along with Edwards are a force!!! Too bad they crapped the bed against ND or they'd be in the top 4...then again Michigan always does stevestojan like that. GO BLUE!!!
  13. Damn jester...that sums my sentiments up very nicely. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd have written a similar statement, though not as eloquent.
  14. Being a suspicious étron I did check yesterday....yes...the posts come from France.
  15. I pretty sure that someone from France couldn't figure out what those....how you say....smilies are...
  16. I think BF had some crow with humble pie for dessert.
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