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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. oh...and BTW it's "sanctimonious" not miserable.
  2. you dirty bastard! what example are you setting for your children...not only your children, but all children? they'll grow up and turn into criminals!
  3. no worries...just wait until you slip up and reveal something that you do that's illegal.
  4. I never said "you some" ....I said some may think it's legal...that doesn't mean I think that.
  5. Thank you for admitting you're human...quite refreshing. my response was directed at the high horse club and the sister organization the holier than thou association.... and as to your belief...you can believe whatever you want to...that is your right.
  6. yeah..that was constructive...ever done anything illegal Gavin?
  7. how long did it take you to come up with that story?
  8. so that's like being a little pregnant? Either it's legal or not...a crime is a crime...isn't it?
  9. it was a hypothetical...just curious...and I was not getting "in your face".
  10. what if everytime you drove you exceeded the speed limit and your kids saw this, and they asked you if it was okay to do that...what would you say....would that make you a bad parent...willfully disobeying the law? This is my objection to how all this played out in this thread.
  11. I never questioned whether or not it's illegal.
  12. steve...speeding is illegal, downloading is illegal...I just think that some people may view these "crimes" as less damaging to society, than say...rape, armed robbery or murder.
  13. if you read this thread you know who and what I'm talking about...there's alot of high and mighty sh-- in here that did get kinda personal if you ask me...yeah, yeah...but it's funny...well, questioning a person's parenting skills and their morals is pretty !@#$ing personal.
  14. whether or not this "issue" is legal or not is not why I even joined this thread...people can download or not, that's their choice, just like they can do drugs or not...It doesn't change my opinion of someone. I joined in because they was a helluva lot of judgements being thrown about. You guys don't know sh-- about this person but you are making huge generalizations about her parenting based on this one snapshot. I'm sure none of you are without some sin...well, exect apparently Father Teresa...and I'm quite sure that you would not like being judged on a small portion of your behavior.
  15. yeah...he probably supports sharing of DVD's and music! That bastard!!!!!
  16. ouch...that's kinda hostile...certainly not saintly.
  17. Tom and Darin will be over soon to brow beat you to death.
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