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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. I have about 5 things I could say....but I'll just keep them to myself....you seem to be in a better "mood".
  2. no...it's just a few....I can't name any names though....shhh....here they come...
  3. okay...you MUST be a Bill Clinton protégé....sorry I can't defend your cause anymore.
  4. no one expects the Spanish Inquisition....
  5. sitting in judgement? on a high horse? at church?
  6. I downloaded that! she bang she bang..... ....nevermind.
  7. You admit it!!!!!! The Spanish Inquisition will now move on....watch out BF!!!!!!!!
  8. if he was a habitual speeder and she paid for his gas, would she be as bad a person? I just see this whole thing as not a huge deal...does that make me a bad person? oh and you're right about Kazaa...
  9. but that doesn't make you a horrible human being.
  10. I wish I could live in a world that was black and white...no gray areas...simple to judge what is right and wrong.
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