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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. thanks for looking that up...that's about what I thought.
  2. If Cal isn't going to the Rose, then why is Michigan? I always thought that if it wasn't the championship game then the Pac10 and the Big 10 "champs" are locked into it. I'm a Michigan fan but I don't think they should go to the Rose if it isn't the "traditional" match-up...hell, there are plenty of teams with better records than the Wolverines and are more deserving of a "marquee bowl"...like Cal for instance. that being said...GO BLUE!
  3. I'm beggin ya...read JS's column and get back to us....please!!!
  4. guys, guys...don't confuse him with facts....er...truths...er....don't confuse him!
  5. just wondering what you thought of Jerry's editorial this week?
  6. Truth...are you now a soothsayer? You have an opinion...that's it...you're entitled to stick with it...but it ain't the truth. It's as truthful as the Bills will never ever win a SB with anybody at QB.
  7. yep...for him to heap that much praise after all the hatchet jobs he did this year, kudos JS.
  8. indeed. Even Jerry freakin' Sullivan says so... "Calling for J.P. Losman was premature. At some point, the Bills have to find out about their future QB. But Mularkey would have lost this team if he had put Bledsoe, the Bills' best chance for winning, on the bench. Mularkey's playoff talk seemed like wishful thinking at 3-6, but it doesn't seem so crazy now. Neither does the prospect of Bledsoe coming back. He is making a case for himself to be the starter for one more year. Whether they make the playoffs or not, the Bills are building toward something. Assuming Bledsoe finishes strong, it's hard to see them taking him away from the offense. Chances are, the Bills will make the argument that Losman didn't have a rookie season and will need to sit behind Bledsoe for one more year. It's hard to argue after 117 points in three games. They're only 6-6, but only a fool would deny that the Bills have made tremendous strides over the last two months. The team that has won six of its last eight has the look of a legitimate contender. At 0-4, with all the dumb penalties and dubious coaching decisions, it was hard to discern the competitive character that Tom Donahoe insisted he had put in the locker room. But you can see it now, and by standing tall in the midst of some miserable road games and withering public criticism, Bledsoe has shown the most character of all." damn...I wonder how hard it was for him to write that.
  9. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Back to Bill Clinton, the root of all evil.
  10. okay...I now absolve you of any transgressions of the holier-than-thou kind...this is my judgement. Well said.
  11. something to keep in mind as well, is that physically stealing something is much different than clicking a mouse button...that may not register to kids as actually stealing...
  12. read the first few pages, see if it grabs you...
  13. I really think the issue is the number of people commiting these "crimes"...downloading=smoking pot...both are crimes, neither is really all that enforceable due to the extreme numbers doing it...now if murder was that rampant nobody would be alive.
  14. that's hardly enough browbeating....you'll never make the Spanish Inquisition.... so...two felons in cahoots...you'll burn in hell, you will....
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