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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. what, so that PSU could actually win against them?
  2. hey did you see this coming? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  3. you could stop in Boston... http://www.bostonbillsbackers.com/
  4. I think Remiersma had that syndrome too.
  5. I would suggest a handful of valiums and a fifth of gin.
  6. nope...the ticket is intact...squirrel population seems to have dwindled.
  7. This is what makes the Pats a great team...
  8. to play devils advocate here....I wouldn't say Bonds or Giambi were "abnormally large or jacked"...would you?
  9. it's sad, but that's the first thing that crossed my mind when I heard about it yesterday.
  10. I agree with the rest of it...100% regarding this point....I said the same thing to my son (12 years old)...he quickly reminded me that it's just like a regular down and pass play...linemen can't be downfield.
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