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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. all this doesn't matter...the field will be frozen solid by the time Sunday's game is played
  2. cheep: A faint, shrill sound like that of a young bird; a chirp.
  3. how disappointing...I thought this was an article about DC Tom.
  4. yeah, I agree Carroll is a dick...I hate him...but I ain't cryin' for OU, just like I would never cry for Nebraska if they got their asses handed to them, these are teams that constantly humilate lowly opponents...now they are on the other side .
  5. no sh--...that exact type of thing happened right in front of my house Thanksgiving night...I was out in the yard with the dogs and it sounded like two cars colliding, I ran out to see if I could help and what a freakin mess...not quite that grusome, but both the deer and the car were really !@#$ed up....brutal.
  6. I'm sure that OU has never done that before....what goes around comes around.
  7. only if you like what you see when Bledsoe is at his worst...Maddox is a downgrade, I have a friend that is a big Steelers fan and he absolutely hates Maddox, slow, dumb and can't hold on to the ball is what he says...then again he was a big fan of Kordell.
  8. I think it would have hurt more, and left a more confusing QB situation going into next season...I think this may have sealed Drews fate.
  9. they probably would have pooch punted instead of trying that long assed FG...I keep telling myself they would have won...would any of you felt better if we won and the Jets and Broncos won too?
  10. indeed..you are entitled...but the sun will come out tomorrow....
  11. I bet he went the wrong direction, Drew turned to hand it off and he wasn't there.
  12. maybe you should change your name to JoeSadSack.
  13. we did enjoy success from 88-95...they didn't then. Has Philly ever won a SB? This season wasn't a waste...we ended up 9-7 when prior to the season people thought we'd end up 8-8...but then again, I'm one of those half full guys.
  14. I'd take everyone but Drew off that list...TKO and Nate made some big plays...Moulds is our best reciever...Drew is done...I've finally joined the "dark side"....but it makes me nervous.
  15. and to add insult to injury...AGAINST BACK-UPS!!!!!!!!!! That's the part that just galls me!! Yeah this coupled with the Rose Bowl...what a great weekend of football.
  16. If he was the savior he would have split himself in half and taken out both blitzers.
  17. damn...great game, but why the !@#$ couldn't they tackle Young? Hats off to the Longhorns, great team, great QB. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Blue!
  18. I predict there's gonna be alot of "look out blocks" in that game by his O Line.
  19. The day dawns with promise, hope and good tidings! My mother in law is leaving after a nine day stay!!!!
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