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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. I doubt you'll have many lining up asking you to deliver a eulogy.
  2. damn...it took almost two full hours for that response to be posted? Are you guys asleep at the wheel or what?
  3. so...the measure is a SB victory? My bet is coaching had more to do with it than personnel. JMO.
  4. Who's a better GM type in your opinion...Polian or Pioli (not officially a GM).
  5. hmmm...isn't that what he said about RJ?
  6. well, I looked at some chicken entrails, watched the flight of some birds, consulted a crystal ball and did a Tarot reading...all the signs are encouraging.
  7. admitting you made a mistake is wrong and a bad thing? yeah....that's what I try to instill in my kids...never admit you are wrong, be stubborn, pigheaded, make excuses, whatever, but never admit a mistake or try to learn and correct the mistakes you made.
  8. check this out... Project cost esitmator
  9. He obviously doesn't have any personal responsibility.
  10. judgement takes time...for me at least....For The highly trained Sniper, the effects of weather are the main causes of error in the strike of the bullet. Wind, mirage, light, temperature, and humidity affect the bullet, the Sniper, or both. Some effects are minor; however, Sniping is often done in extremes of weather and all effects must be considered.
  11. we need an applause smilie....and one pulling out his remaining hair too.
  12. the credo I live by is "everyone has personal responsibility". Accepting personal responsibility includes: Acknowledging that you are solely responsible for the choices in your life. Accepting that you are responsible for what you choose to feel or think. Accepting that you choose the direction for your life. Accepting that you cannot blame others for the choices you have made. Tearing down the mask of defense or rationale for why others are responsible for who you are, what has happened to you, and what you are bound to become. The rational belief that you are responsible for determining who your are, and how your choices affect your life. Pointing the finger of responsibility back to yourself and away from others when you are discussing the consequences of your actions. Realizing that you determine your feelings about any events or actions addressed to you, no matter how negative they seem. Recognizing that you are your best cheerleader; it is not reasonable or healthy for you to depend on others to make you feel good about yourself. Recognizing that as you enter adulthood and maturity, you determine how your self-esteem will develop. Not feeling sorry for the ``bum deal'' you have been handed but taking hold of your life and giving it direction and reason. Letting go of your sense of over responsibility for others. Protecting and nurturing your health and emotional well being. Taking preventive health oriented steps of structuring your life with time management, stress management, confronting fears, and burnout prevention. Taking an honest inventory of your strengths, abilities, talents, virtues, and positive points. Developing positive, self-affirming, self-talk scripts to enhance your personal development and growth. Letting go of blame and anger toward those in your past who did the best they could, given the limitations of their knowledge, background, and awareness. Working out anger, hostility, pessimism, and depression over past hurts, pains, abuse, mistreatment, and misdirection.
  13. man I'm takin' too many bullets in this thread.
  14. I was starting to think that it was really true what they say about excessive "self pleasuring" making you go blind....he'll probably show up with dreadlocks on his palms.
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