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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. Requirements: 256 MB RAM, 64 MB VRAM, 2.83 GB disk space.... aye it's a hung time sink....sigh...but a great game!
  2. I knew that...I was just being a wise guy....what a poor job of proof reading.
  3. what a great game! Read this: Rome Total War Help
  4. people often mix him up with Inconspicuous.
  5. mine was Bones....I was tall and skinny. I had a friend who was a large fellow, people called him breasts...there was this other really skinny kid we called Chemical Dude.
  6. here I thought you were going to confess to being a Log Cabin Republican!
  7. it's a mistake...chalk it up to experience and move on...or wail and gnash your teeth for eternity
  8. you said "illicit toxins"...hence toxicity...I just went from there.
  9. Everything can be toxic....but there is a ton of data that has failed to show any evidence of brain toxicity either in chronic human cannabis users or in animals treated with very high doses of cannabis extract or THC. Doses up to 1,000 x's higher than those needed to produce a "high" in man were given to rats and monkeys every day for up to 90 days without causing serious adverse effects on the brain. I doubt the same could be said for ethanol, JMO.
  10. R. Rich's anagram fits in nicely here.
  11. I really don't understand why some people really hate Dell...I have 2 of them at home...one is 3-4 years old the other about 2...I've never had a problem with either of them...and that's even with my kids beating the sh-- out of the older one...maybe I'm just lucky. I know I would never hesitate to get another, in fact, I'm considering buying a notebook from them. Go Dell!!!
  12. Winning a Nobel Prize is no big deal, but winning it with an IQ of 124 is really something. --Richard Feynman
  13. first of all...bragging about one's IQ score is as stupid as bragging about one's penis size. The only thing that counts is putting it to some good use.
  14. this makes me wish for that star rating system we used to have.
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