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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. I have to say...this gives great insight into you guys....
  2. I wish I could ignore...but sadly I can't.
  3. first that peter pan freak now this? Her hair is Harlow gold, Her lips sweet surprise Her hands are never cold, She's got Shelly Duval eyes She'll turn the music on you, You won't have to think twice She's pure as New York snow, She got Shelly Duval eyes And she'll tease you, She'll unease you All the better just to please you She's precautious, And she knows just What it takes to make a pro blush She got Greta Garbo's standard size, She's got Shelly Duval eyes She'll let you take her home, It works her appetite She'll lay you on the throne, She got Shelly Duval eyes She'll take a tumble on you, Roll you like you were dice Until you come out blue, She's got Shelly Duval eyes She'll expose you, When she snows you Hope you breathe with the crumbs she throws you She's ferocious And she knows just What it takes to make a pro blush All the boys think she's a spy, She's got Shelly Duval eyes And she'll tease you, She'll unease you All the better just to please you She's precautious, And she knows just What it takes to make a pro blush All the boys think she's a spy, She's got Shelly Duval eyes
  4. BF=Buffoon. buffoon n 1: a rude or vulgar fool [syn: clown] 2: a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior [syn: clown, merry andrew] Can I call you Merry Andrew?
  5. I doubt Tiger himself would agree...after all, isn't he the one that said "second place sucks"?
  6. don't you think he reacted in a more intelligent way than calling the guy a "jerk" about 3 or 4 times? Not impressed with his vocabulary.
  7. no...not really...my heart is still beating just fine...BF you have succeeded in further solidifying yourself as a buffoon.
  8. yep...any higher than that and it's a freakin' safety concern....120 is the limit for "juniors" and 175 for "seniors" in my son's league.
  9. maybe when the Pacers win a title in this century. Go Pistons!!!!!!
  10. Simon liked to work with big men and his prize crew were known as the Seven Axemen. Each of these men was over six feet tall sitting down and weighed over 350 pounds. Each of the Seven refused to use wooden axe handles. Instead, they used woven rope handles and twirled the blades around them like a circular saw. The year of the two winters it got so cold that the axemen let their beards grow full length. They then wrapped the beards around themselves for warmth. In the spring Simon cut all the beards with a large scythe. The whiskers were stacked like hay and later sold for making mattresses.
  11. The best known folk hero of the Wilds of Pennsylvania is the giant lumberjack, Simon. A product of rugged humor, wit and spontaneous exaggeration, his 'legend' was created in the bunkhouses of ordinary logging camps, by ordinary working men, while they gathered around the glowing woodstoves on cold winter evenings. It was from there that stories about Simon spread throughout the pine shanties of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The lumberjacks heard and then retold the fables, often weaving in local or personal embellishments as they passed the tales on.
  12. you could get one of those girlie electric chainsaws.
  13. About a week and a half ago I was doing a bunch of yard work on Saturday and Sunday, chopping down trees, spreading mulch etc...about 8 o'clock Sunday night I went to sit down on the coach and read the paper and I felt a click in my back and then a bunch of pain...I messed up my back before but this one is different...pain is still there and now I think I have sciatica...I have pain going down my right leg and a slight numbness in my foot...anyway, both my wife and boss think I need to see a chiropractor...now being a scientist I am pretty skeptical about this chiropratic voodoo and might be content to continue taking ibuprofen and waiting it out...does anyone here really think these guys do any good? I just don't want this to get any worse...but this discomfort is really starting to piss me off! Opinions please.
  14. OMG. stop posting now....any more of this and I'll have to pluck out my eyes.
  15. indeed...I used that for shock value...akin to saying Hillshire Farms is real Kielbasa.
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