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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. I understand that every situation is unique, but in this case these people can move 2 blocks away...or anywhere in NL for that matter...there is plenty available. I guess I was just speaking of this case in particular and not nationally. BTW give me some warning next time you drive by.
  2. you really want me to be honest? If they gave me what I could sell my house for on the open market? I say sure...hey, I put tons of work into it and love it...but it's still just a house...it's 4 walls. Maybe I'm nuts but that is how I feel.
  3. I pretty sure you don't know New London...they really do need to do something...it's a dying city...if this helps them complete the plan to reviatilize the city it's great. Why would it make it more difficult to remain a homeowner? You sell at market value you buy at market value...it's a wash...right?
  4. I work near New London, in fact I can see that neighborhood from my lab...it's a dump...most people took the money and left...the rest wanted more money and filed these suits...they're not being evicted without compensation...they are being paid market value....they just got greedy.
  5. Fried Bologna for everyone! HBD to you both.
  6. right...as I recall, you will go into self imposed exhile.
  7. thought so...so quit whining. yeah boy, I'm so worked up I'm ready to pull a Rumpelstiltskin.
  8. yes...I think that is correct. I'm pretty sure he suspects MLB after what happened in the WS last year.
  9. Bottom line is BF, what you do, by your own admission, is trolling...just because you're a Bills fan does that make it okay? IMO it's indefensible. As stuckincincy put it..."As Ye Sow, so shall Ye Reap"...you are catching what you're fishing for...enjoy it.
  10. is that the truth...or is that you in "character"?
  11. Stuff from Mother Goose doesn't really count as poetry...
  12. indeed....AFA hurling slings and arrows...it's much easier to show your "real" reactions when you have zero chance of getting your ass kicked.
  13. I believe that the internet personality is closer to the true person than how someone acts "in person"...
  14. earth to BF....perception is reality.
  15. hmmm...Gavin and BF....you know, it's all starting to make sense now...
  16. a 9 point win on the road in game 6, in ain't the same as Hoary hitting that 3 pointer.... "Detroit claimed a 95-86 team triumph in Game 6 that put the visitors on the short list of teams to force a Game 7 in The Finals from 3-2 down. The Detroit Pistons of 2004-05 ... and the Syracuse Nationals of 1953-54. That is the list." This is a starting line-up of all cast offs...and they are playing as a team and with a tremendous amount of heart...I wouldn't count them out BF, but it ain't looking good for them: No team has been forced to play more playoff games in one year as Detroit, which will tie the 1994 Knicks at 25 once Game 7 tips off. No team in playoff history has ever won two road Game 7s in the same postseason, as the Pistons must do to repeat as NBA champs. No road team has won a Game 7 since Washington at Seattle in 1978. But win or lose...they have my admiration because they are the epitome of what a team is supposed to be.
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