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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. My house is not quiet, I am not loud; But for us God fashioned our fate together. I am the swifter, at times the stronger, My house more enduring, longer to last. A times I rest; my dwelling still runs; Within it I lodge as long as I live. Should we two be severed, my death is sure. What am I?
  2. You are in a room with no windows or doors. the only things in the room are a mirror and a round table, and yet you get out. how do you get out?
  3. Most men would feel insulted if it were proposed to employ them in throwing stones over a wall, and then in throwing them back, merely that they might earn their wages. But many are no more worthily employed now. Thoreau
  4. Some commander: Barris: I want all available security guards posted around the storage compartments. Kirk: Storage compartments? Storage compartments? Darvin: The storage compartments containing the quadrotridicale. Kirk: The what? the what? Advantage Picard.
  5. Kirk: It's a mystery. I don't like mysteries! They give me a bellyache, and I've got a beauty right now. Picard: Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived. Advantage Picard
  6. Kirk was only good at bagging aliens...Picard is a man for all seasons! Make it so! Kirk didn't have any cool lines like that or "engage"...
  7. further more: LPGA: Eligibility: Must be at least eighteen years of age, have a high school diploma, and must be employed in the golf profession for at least three months prior to application. Procedure: You must have verification of employment, two letters of recommendation, and proof of a handicap under 10.Then you must pass a PAT(Player Ability Test) at a designated sight within one year of application. You may try four times in one year and if you are unsuccessful there is a waiting period before you can reapply to the organization. *Officially you are out of the golf program if you are unable to pass your PAT within one year. Apprentice: After successfully completing your PAT, written evaluation(100 questions on all aspects of golf), and interview you are considered an Apprentice. You are an Apprentice for two years needing to earn at least eight education credits to be able to advance to the next level which is a Class B. Class B: This is a golf pro who has successfully passed eight education credits along with another written evaluation of golf knowledge, and a graded practical teaching evaluation. This status remains for another two years where she must again earn at least eight education credits. Class A: This member has successfully passed all education requirements, another written evaluation, and an intense practical teaching evaluation given by other Class A Pros and often National Officers to the LPGA. This member has achieved a top teaching status which must be renewed every two years with a minimum of twenty-four education credits. After many years in the golf business, LPGA Members in good standing may also qualify for the following depending on their service and points earned: Master Professional, Life Member, Senior Member, and Honorary Member. Our education points are earned through attending and passing Teaching Schools I,II, and III, Swing Model Workshop, and area seminars.
  8. wrong. " Wie has not asked for a waiver of the age limit. Song is the only player allowed to turn pro before her 18th birthday, a decision that was justified when she took medalist honors at Q-school and finished as runner-up at the Kraft Nabisco Championship. She graduated high school, so she had the same level of education that others had," Votaw said, explaining his decision. "She made the cut in 11 of 14 LPGA events she had played since she was 13, and all six majors. Her 18th birthday would have been in early April the following year, so we had only six LPGA events prior to her turning 18. Given all those things, she deserved a waiver." Age discussion
  9. I used to work in a child psychitric unit during college...too bad we didn't have tasers back then...it woulda been a good thing to have when the kids were swinging pool cues at you.
  10. yes...18 years old... Outgoing LPGA commissioner Ty Votaw can waive the age requirement if a teenager shows she can be competitive, has a strong support system and demonstrates the maturity to be a professional. Aree Song, for instance, was allowed to join the tour at 17.
  11. sigh....you are one evil bastard....don't we have enough jousting threads going....I am having trouble keeping up with the 3 or 4....maybe I should just merge them all and pin them...yeah, that's the ticket.
  12. dude...don't you ever get tired of being a punching bag?
  13. I was going to comment on that...but since it would just produce more nonsense from the B-Bone the pinata, I passed...let's see what he says....
  14. The New London Day had listed what each owner would get for their houses. It was significantly more than what they could get on the open market, nobody would buy a house there to live, only as an investment to sell. And there are plenty of nice homes in the general area, not just New London that they could relocate to.
  15. so would the poor renters then have reduced rents? or would they have to pay the high rent and high sales taxes?
  16. nope...they are grounded in the strength of the family bond that surpasses any material object.
  17. That's why I can walk away from it...it's an investment....in some places it pays great dividends.
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