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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. Aren't we still in a drought? It's been 19 years since we won a playoff game!
  2. "A player who is out of bounds is re-established when his second foot comes down in bounds, or if another body part (other than the hand, ankle, or wrist) touches in bounds when no part of the body is touching out of bounds. Until a player is re-established, he remains an out-of-bounds player, even though he may appear to be fully in the field of play. Simply put: any receiver who has by any means gone out of bounds may not catch, or be the first to touch, any pass. Re-establishing himself in bounds makes the pass complete, but his touching of the pass remains illegal." http://www.footballzebras.com/2016/08/30/rule-loophole-closed-on-out-of-bounds-receivers/
  3. Bingo. Sorry to derail this thread...please carry on the bashing of Jag's fans.
  4. Thanks bro..I appreciate it...we are getting by...that's the best we can do.
  5. I accept, he was just 24. This subject is a real trigger, it's been a little less than a year...carfentanyl OD to be precise. My only objection was the cavalier and insensitive nature of your posts....these "addicts" are people too, and to my dying day I will do whatever I can to change minds from neanderthal thinking and see it for what it becomes to "these people"...a disease. Rant ended.
  6. You know that !@#$ing enrages me....you're a real piece of work. Really? How's your home town? Dude, it's everywhere...hope you can find something else to criticize, because this ain't something to joke about. so? have you lost someone you loved due to this crisis? I hope not...
  7. My most sincere condolences Kevin...having walked in your shoes almost a year ago, I know how very devastating this is. I hope we can continue our dialog so I can try to help you through this horrific time. My deepest sympathies my friend. I friggin hate drugs!!
  8. I thought he was on the Bills bandwagon early this season...me personally I'd rather he not even comment on the Bills. I can't stand him, self important blowhard.
  9. I loved it!! Just finished last night. Apart from that bizarro and unlikely gunfight with the bad guys and the gals...I thought the characters we're all really well developed and interesting. Good writing and a great story...the finale made me want to know what was going to happen with everyone, sadly I read there will be no further episodes.
  10. You got it bro...prayers and positive thoughts...
  11. I looked at his picture right before that play and said..."We need your help Danny"....so yeah, I believe too.
  12. Yeah it was just really weird, it really did seem like every call...I seriously questioned his mental state!
  13. Was Jeff Triplette wasted yesterday? Seems like every call and discussion he was having with his crew he was laughing. Anybody else notice that? I've never seen a ref act that way before for the whole game.
  14. I had a few tears...only because I couldn't share it with my son...
  15. I'm through 4 episodes...His character is really enigmatic...don't know if I like him or hate him! Not even sure I understand him!
  16. Started watching Godless this week...I really like it! If you like Westerns this is good.
  17. So that is like true profit sharing...right?
  18. The place I used to work at for like 24 years gave out a year end bonus....they stopped that around 15 years ago, it wasn't really a bonus, it was a percentage of your salary for the upcoming year in advance...but they recently instituted a new bonus system. They reduced your base income by like 10%, but you could earn it back by meeting expectations. Really? Some bonus,right? You get your salary back...incredible.
  19. Eh you caught me on a good day....I prestiged now I'm playing with less preferred weapons, I'm struggling!
  20. It's a multi hundred dollar choice not a buck...otherwise I'd give it a try. Been playing Xbox for many years, I'm satisfied.
  21. I don't know anything about this but...will any of these do? Don't worry it's not Peter Pan. http://cougarcontrols.com/products/sump-pump-control-panels/
  22. Best thing about this game (besides the setting) is that there's no ridiculous jumping...although sometimes those that were so good at it in the last COD still try, I laugh when they try it and I gun them down. Every party needs a pooper that's why we tolerate you.
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