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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. maybe it's just me, but I think JP looked a little rusty or maybe he was just nervous.
  2. that was going to be my response. is jerky jerk the same as bastard?
  3. cuz you're a negative Nancy. Dooooooooommmmmmed!
  4. drugs ARE the answer....what's the question?
  5. so you actually understand that castration is not "cutting off someone's dick"...right? Read on McDuff.... Read about Depo-Provera
  6. you know...I'm really tempted to try this recipe this weekend...
  7. funny...everything I read has them in the Finals next year against the Spurs, B-Bone.
  8. this thread is in danger of jumping the shark....we need better insults!
  9. hmmm...that's what T-Bone does....this is obviously good advice for VA.
  10. I can't believe all you football gurus know nothing of this. Pickle Juice!
  11. I gotta get Darin to google these riddles for me....Darin can ya help me out?
  12. repeat after me...serenity now....serenity now...serenity now...
  13. well...to be fair...there are more than a few stalkers on this board...now everybody go and reflect on your behavior....
  14. I drank some pickle juice at lunch...bad mistake.
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