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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. Nope, I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again!
  2. Last time I looked in the dictionary, my name's Ron Burgundy. What's your name?
  3. Why'd you say that VA? Why? You're my hero. And you say something dirty. Like poop. Poop mouth. I hate you VABills, I hate you!
  4. We have a saying in my country - the coyote of the desert likes to eat the heart of the young and the blood drips down to his children for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  5. I'll have three fingers of Glenlibbet, with a little bit of pepper... and some cheese.
  6. I'm gonna punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker.
  7. Smells like a turd covered in burnt hair. (Gavin, not Sex Panther). HBD Gavin...you freak!
  8. Was it total clarity without illusion?
  9. what's wrong with his usage of the British slang? piss off v 1. to leave. Note: British. ("Why don't you just piss off?") leave meaning you left for a few days...never mind....
  10. I don't have any sympathy for you, you knew the risks and yet you went ahead and jumped in the water...having symapthy for you is like having sympathy for Peter Jennings or even Mickey Mantle.
  11. thank you...WTF is wrong with average? Drew was often "below average", and I was actually a support of his.
  12. did any of you guys actually read all the Jets fan's posts? It was split...some thought he sucked. some thought he was fine...kinda like us.
  13. I'm nervous, I'm nervous, nervous honey What can I do I'm nervous, you make me nervous baby I'm so nervous cause I'm in love with you Nervous by The Iguanas
  14. Don't worry I "believe" you....great report...thanks!
  15. you don't really believe that contrived story about the "tape", do you?
  16. has anyone ever told you that you're a nice guy? Didn't think so...
  17. indeed...it's the cloud of doom....maybe he's just nervous.
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