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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. it would probably be better if you danced on your roof.
  2. but we can still dismiss you out of hand, right?
  3. wear a foil hat and eat some Blancmanage.
  4. nice try...but not nearly enough...consider becoming a flagellant...beat your back bloody with a leather whip while sobbing and petitioning the Lord for mercy...then we will talk.
  5. nothing is ever completely done here....you know that.
  6. take a fistfull of valiums and a fifth of gin.
  7. finally doing some research, eh? This still doesn't count as an article you know...
  8. All these refer to questionable calls in YOUR favor (ie refs in your pocket)...I could pull out many more, but you'd just refute them... oh, and Brady completing that pass while on his ass....LUCKY!
  9. come on....has there been a luckier team in the last 4 years? 5 words...."....just give it to them..." in addition, the tuck rule...also that freakin' call on the KO'ed Wr (Patton?)...
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