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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. 1) You aren't human and never will be, so quit trying to feel that way. 2) Excited or too much ------- ? fill in the drug. 3) All those women aren't interested in a grandfather figure. 4) Welcome back bastard...maybe this time you will stick around for a while.
  2. Lloyd Carr 9/12/05 On Mike Hart: "Mike Hart, I will say, he came in yesterday. The spirit is willing, there's no doubt Mike Hart is one great football player. That's what I can tell you, and he wants to play. But we've got to see how he comes tomorrow, because the flesh is not always able." Michigan Scout
  3. Those bastards....funny thing is I have noticed a huge decline in the squirrel population in my yard ...I hate those bushy tailed bastards.
  4. eh...at least OSU lost as well...are you guys done ducking us yet?
  5. Well you won the game...can't say I didn't see it coming...still, it sucks. Congrats! We'll get you next time. At least my son's team kicked ass. Oh yeah...and Henne<Navarre
  6. no way Brees did that, he sucked in that game...just like we shut down that "powerhouse" Minnesota...hell, after that ass whopping they went into a multigame funk...I think the thing is they are pretty consistent from year to year and rarely have 2 off years in a row... AFA the axe thing...it just seems I've seen alot of comments from you recently about how you hate Michigan blah blah blah...maybe I am sensitive...but they are my team...that being said, I ain't no Brady fan...but I did like Todd Collins.
  7. I am always nervous when we play ND...but tomorrow...not so much...I bet we don't allow more than 17.
  8. how many of those games did they lose? anyway...the defense can be a bit inconsistent, but when they are up against "hot" teams last year Minnesota, shut'em down...Purdue the year of the Brees, shut'em down...ask OSU fans if Michigan's D ever comes up big in games against them...I've been watching and it seems you have a huge ax to grind against Michigan, even belittling a poster for having Mich in thier handle...what, did you apply and not get in?
  9. uh yeah..it's you...no doubt about that.
  10. yeah...there was the Nervous Mailman...Nervous Mom....Nervous Bird...a whole cast of characters lost in the ether....sniff....oh, the humanity!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW the squirrel was not my offspring...it got trapped in my chimney.
  11. apparently not...bastards!!!!!!!!!
  12. JSP is the resident expert...I'll see if I can coax this info from him...JSP?????? While he is searching his memory banks ....it is based in large part upon this... Don't Woof!!!
  13. hmm...maybe I've underestimated your powers of convoluted logic.
  14. maybe he's hanging out "over there".
  15. it's fallen out of favor with the hot pocket generation...these whippersnappers just wouldn't be interested. kinda like talking about XXX XXXX...who dat?
  16. you need alot more exclamation marks in that reply.
  17. When I saw your post I moused over your link...just in case...it's become a habit of mine since...well, you know...
  18. It's a smart thing not to introduce him to JSP...I'm still trying to uncorrupt my son. Me, I'll play some golf in the morning with my son, then watch the game...probably fall asleep during the 4:00 pm game...eh, I'm old.
  19. 'tis the bastard who gave us THIS: Poojer's Legacy!
  20. you know, the casual reader might read something else into this statement other than it's true nature as a glib remark regarding the exercising of my editorial rights as an admin....not that there's anything wrong with that...on second thought, yes there is.
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