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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. No one is ever on when I am...I'm thinking you guys are dodging me.
  2. That explains this woman's strange behavior....she didn't have a poop knife! http://canoe.com/news/crime/scoop-on-the-poop-connecticut-woman-arrested-for-defecating-in-cul-de-sac-3-separate-times
  3. They are in CT and FL, maybe even NYC...if you sell and people die as a result, you're charged with murder. I would like to get my hands on one person in particular.
  4. Sadly, that's the case....also sadly if cut with fentanyl or carfentanyl it's not mixed uniformly so it's like russian roulette.
  5. I found myself wondering if Gronk could pass the concussion protocol BEFORE he was concussed....seriously how could you ever tell?? hehehe...totally agree.
  6. Yeah...I'm pretty sure no one ever died from one shot of whiskey or one beer.
  7. Sadly withdrawal from a lot of things can kill in extreme cases...but there's no real difference. The body becomes dependent on the substance to function. Medically assisted withdrawal is the safest for both alcohol and opiates. You can "power through" opiate withdrawal too, but it's pretty brutal...alcohol withdrawal actually may be "more dangerous" and likely to kill. The body reacts severely because the chemical processes in the brain are being disrupted; alcohol, heroin, and others interfere with the GABA receptors in the brain. The GABA system is the body’s main down regulator, and withdrawal causes it to go crazy.
  8. I think the thing is the social natural of alcohol and it's social acceptance...here's an interesting article. in 2015, 30000 died from the direct effects of alcohol, still less than opioid ODs. BTW I actually think that article is complete BS...the opioid crisis is real. https://www.painnewsnetwork.org/stories/2017/7/24/6-reasons-opioids-are-used-to-distract-from-alcohol And maybe more importantly, it's striking the young...my bet is it's takes a lot longer to become an alcoholic than an addict.
  9. According to a study I read, about 135 people show up in ER's every day with symptoms of opioid dependence in this country (new addicts)...so if 174 die every day, they are really not losing many customers. Friggin sad.
  10. They aren't turning to it...the dealers are and mixing into heroin or just selling it straight up. It's cheaper and they can make more money. People buy it thinking it's one thing and then unsuspectingly die. There are even people who are pressing it into pills that look like xanax or sell it as cocaine...instant death. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/1/24/16928986/fentanyl-online-orders-postal-service
  11. Dilly dilly!!! He was undervalued...he coulda been the man
  12. T-Bone? NJ Sue? Maybe we could find T-Bone and he could jump out of it with some tassels on his tatas....I'm sure that would draw your interest!
  13. Kindler???? Doooomed!!! Great news about the non-opioids though, I know they have been given a high priority in NIH. NIDA funding.
  14. As you may know...carfentanyl killed my son....only 24...
  15. Yep...in that way, it didn't matter. He was going to do what he was going to do. But truly, fentanyl is dangerous, dangerous to the point that it's reckless. It probably shouldn't be prescribed....actually I feel the same way about all the !@#$ing opioid pain killers prescribed, they have really caused more problems than they've solved.
  16. This game is so much more enjoyable than most all of the previous versions! None of that crazy jumping **** too! I hated that, never did it and got killed by all those crazy !@#$ing jumpers...Can't wait for the new DLC coming soon!
  17. Man, I told him to just go to the Dossier section in the soldier tab...then click Clan Name....easy!
  18. What's the big deal? They are being sanitized in the dishwasher anyway....I vote not disgusting, but not good for the dog.
  19. kappa agonists hold great promise...pain relief non-addictive (theoretically).
  20. "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
  21. Nah...the Celtics won 8 titles IN A ROW...did that diminish future champs?
  22. I knew this thread would offer up some interesting insights....so far so good.
  23. That's an awesome story! So very happy for you!!!
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