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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. yeah...the media eats up this kinda stuff...everyone will respect and venerate the Bills if Marv speaks. "Great football coaches have the vision to see, the faith to believe, the courage to do... and 25 great players." "Security comes from earning it--not seeking it." "Systems don't win, players do." "The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender." "What it takes to win is simple, it's not easy." "Plan your work and work your plan." "If you have everything prepared, the rest will take care of itself." "There will be many failures sprinkled among the successes you enjoy." "A failure becomes just one time at bat if you refuse to let it defeat you."
  2. but...but....ESPN is making fun of us....my ego is tied to what people think about Ralph Wilson....boo friggin hoo.
  3. People don't eat Hot Pockets for a nutritious meal; they eat them because they're fast, hot, and relatively palatable.
  4. I was serious...he's a maverick and won't tow the line...we're doomed.
  5. not only that but that's why we lost those 4SB's, get bad calls and have sh-- like the Music City Miracle happen to us.
  6. bottom line is the people mocking him today wouldn't be doing it if the Bills were a winning franchise...they would view him as "wise and shrewd"...funny how the media spins things, eh?
  7. what's he supposed to say? It's a bad deal? He was truthful, wtf is wrong with that...he needed more than 45 minutes to make up his mind on a pretty important issue...bfd. and why is it so friggin' important for him to admit that he now understands it...who the !@#$ cares what anybody else thinks of the Bills...that's not important. I could care less...maybe I'm just less of a "fan" than you.
  8. nice use of urbane...very nice... oh yeah, and we have plenty of coyotes here in CT.
  9. indeed...when there are some issues about TBD he needs to discuss, he likes it when I respond with quotes like: "I have opinions of my own --strong opinions-- but I don't always agree with them." "If we don't succeed we run the risk of failure." "We are not ready for an unforseen event that may or may not occur." "If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go, because, man, they're gone."
  10. I think you have a man crush on Da Boneman.
  11. oh yeah? Well, The March of the Penguins was a great film!
  12. or the word yeard for example...BTW it is a word...and a damn good one. "Did you know the word "yard" and the word "guard" were originally the same word, spelled "yeard" and meaning, roughly, "protected place"? "Yard" is the Anglo-Saxon pronunciation and "guard" the Viking pronunciation, but they gradually shifted in meaning so that the north of England, where they used the Viking pronunciation, took it more in its "protected" meaning, and the south took it more to mean a piece of land. "
  13. that ain't gonna happen...I know SDS loves Marvisms.... he constantly studies him as a person, a philosopher, a role model, not only for us, but indeed for all of mankind...he would never stoop so low... Here are just a few of his favorite Marvisms: 'What you do should speak so loudly that no one can understand what you say.' 'Adversity is an opportunity for reversal of opinion.' 'Expect rejection.' hmm...maybe he would consider bringing the Undertaker back.
  14. The bottom line is we want them to take a drastic cut but they don't feel they're skills have diminished to justify that, it's just not going to work.
  15. don't worry Joe...I'm sure you'll catch on somewhere else.
  16. it looked to me as if Cowher was herded (pun intended) away by NFL officials to the stage immediately after time expired....he didn't get a chance to mill about.
  17. hmmm...maybe you're right. "Condoleezza Rice needs a company of soldiers. She needs to be taken to barracks where she would be satisfied. On the other hand, she can hardly be satisfied because of her age. This is a complex. " "Such women are very rough. They are all workaholics, public workaholics. They can be happy only when they are talked and written about everywhere: Oh, Condoleezza, what a remarkable woman, what a charming Afro-American lady! How well she can play the piano and speak Russian! What a courageous, tough and strong female she is! This is the only way to satisfy her needs of a female. She derives pleasure from it. If she has no man by her side at her age, he will never appear. Even if she had a whole selection of men to choose from she would stay single because her soul and heart have hardened. Like Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, or Alexander the Great of Macedon Ms. Rice needs to fight and release tough public statements in global scale. She needs to be on top of the world." "The Truth" about Condy
  18. Bingo...somebody would have leaked the "secret" by now...that was just the worst officiating crew EVER.
  19. Even my son who was rooting for the Steelers said at one point..."don't you think it's kinda weird that everytime the Seahawks make a big play it's called back, or reversed by the officials?" And what about that stupid "low block" penalty tacked onto the interception return? I'm not sure I even want to watch another SB, unless the Bills are playing.
  20. I know many of you may have seen this already...but it's still funny.... Please Kneel before Tom Brady.
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