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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. really? Thanks for that oblivious response (ie it was a joke).
  2. First off I'm no Pervous (whatever that means...or was that a glib remark?)...my bad on the second part...not knowing your style, I thought it was some of the same old sh-- (pun intended) I've been reading too much of lately...so for that my humble apologies...AFA cogent information or knowledge...nah...I'll just stick with the usual "glib remarks"...perhaps sprinkle in a little impertinent, impudent, or insolent comments.
  3. The Pats were a perennial Super Bowl contender with no name cast offs.
  4. so let me get this straight....the Pats haven't made a huge splash and are cutting players left and right but they must be formulating some evil plan, and yet because we haven't made a huge splash yet we have "two geriatric hibernating bears that appear to sleeping until the draft"...
  5. logic or facts never work with Joe, he's got mutiple axes to grind.
  6. I gotta box of rats with your name on it....poster boy indeed.
  7. I think you have a man crush on JSP....not that there's anything wrong with that...he is kinda cute...in a Neanderthal kinda way.
  8. maybe the "gods" will provide you with one....pray Joseph...PRAY!
  9. so you absolutely know that he never tried to talk to these guys....right?
  10. 75,000 satisfied customers and counting...
  11. no dammit...read his response...he's counting on the "gods" to save us... Shoot, if he heard Ralph say something like that he'd go ballistic! Joe, maybe you should sacrifice that sheep now... ....
  12. Why all this doom about the Jets drafting Leinart...I heard they are trying to arrange a trade with Atlanta shipping off JA for Matt Schaub...
  13. I feel bad for JSP now...though I sure he'll get plenty of more opportunities to whine about ol' Ralph and Marv.
  14. "It was too complex and explained for too fast, he heard others owners did not understand it but did say so."
  15. yeah but he's only ranked #606 in the world....what a loser. Forbes
  16. maybe we can get Ralph to do a commercial for Aricept...before: a doddering old fool...after: a sharp witted maverick NFL owner....hmmm....then we could get Marv to do a Viagra spot....it's gold Jerry!
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