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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. nah....he'd just move it to the Consumer Forum! just kidding...welcome back Fez.
  2. Indeed, as Holmes put it..."Oscillation upon the pavement always means an affaire du coeur."
  3. I have investigated many crimes, but I have never yet seen one which was committed by a flying creature.
  4. IMO it makes for a much more exciting game that relies on skills...speed kills.
  5. Yep...Zero tolerance on interference, hooking and holding/obstruction.
  6. Now I aint sayin you a gold digger you got needs Y'all wanna do the smoke but he can't buy weed
  7. Funny...people say that about why they prefer college basketball. Hats off to the Cavs and "King James"...but Detroit is the anit-NBA...they play as a team, kinda old school bball..."They trapped me, they went under screens, they went over screens," said James, who was held to one second-half field goal Sunday in the Cavs' 79-61 Game 7 loss to Detroit. "I've seen almost every defense that I could possibly see for the rest of my career in this series. That's why they're Eastern Conference champions, and that's why they keep winning." GO PISTONS!
  8. bingo...according to several websites (found via Google) last weeks episode was day 64 or 66....(search "Lost timeline")
  9. indeed...the Pistons were bored through most of the season, they were able to go into cruise control, then turn it on...now with a hungry and somewhat talented team (King James VERY talented) they are finding it a bit more difficult..so many missed chances to tip in a shot here or there last night that would have made the difference. They got the wake up call...they'll show up from here on out.
  10. The Pistons will bury them...just watch.
  11. I could care less...have you seen her? She's really let herself go....
  12. I think you need tyo replace your avatar... here is my suggestion: Your boy.
  13. right...round 2 of the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
  14. I got rid of my smocking jacket....I stopped smocking years ago!
  15. just curious...anybody know what grades we got the last 4 years? I bet at least B's...how did those pan out?
  16. I think he may be wearing lifts in that photo.
  17. Happy birthday Joe you zajebany huj !!
  18. hmmm...right...that'll also rule out those gnome hats that VA wears...that could add a few inches.
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