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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. Absolutely...the last two times when my 5 months were up, I called to cancel, since they will automatically renew at an outrageous price, told them I'm cancelling, they basically begged me to stay and gave me 5 months for $25...how could I say no? If they keep offering it, I'll take it. I never beg for any discount.
  2. yep...much easier than the DTV dance.
  3. The UCONN women lost!!!! You can open those drapes now!!
  4. It was a great game...could have gone either way...still not sure why FSU didn't foul at the end...pretty dumb.
  5. Still? I think this team can adjust to a variety of styles of play...Loyola makes me...well, you know.
  6. oh God please no!!! He's insane....and sucks as a QB. And I'm a Michigan fan.
  7. I think the thing that gives me a great deal of hope is that they play together, as a team. They might not be the biggest but they are tenacious and never give up.
  8. I don't get your U of M hatred....didn't you used to be JR from Ann Arbor? The was in reference to "Michigan hype"...I haven't heard anything but expert doubts about this team for the last two months...they were supposed to fall in the Big 10 tournament, supposed to fall to Houston and A and M...whatever. They play as a team, solid defense and don't really rely on one player. They are just a good team....far from being "hyped".
  9. Yep...I thought we had determined he was senile a few weeks ago when he said some other outrageous crap.
  10. ".....Is not what you’re looking for in terms of physical stature, strength, arm strength and mobility, but he has the intangibles and production and showed that as a senior. Could make it in the right system but will not be for everyone." They were talking about Brady...you just never really know.
  11. Yeah...it's not like Christian Laettner's shot hasn't been seen like a billion times...this time Mich had even more time! You don't even have to go back that far...earlier this year, Maryland had a chance at a win when it didn't guard the inbounder with Michigan down by one and 3.5 seconds left. Abdur-Rahkman was able to catch a long pass, drove for the basket and got fouled. He knocked down both free throws and Michigan wins....
  12. The essence of March Madness!!! I thought they were done too...they played out of sync offensively, but the D was solid, especially on Gray (boy that dude irritates me, but would love him on my team). Hat's off to Houston for solid D. Maybe this will give Mich their mojo back.
  13. Did that make you sick?
  14. He's a damn good basketball ref in the Big 10 as well....I've never seen that before
  15. Linda Moulton Howe? I saw that Lori Verderame is the antiquities expert on The Curse of Oak Island...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lori_Verderame
  16. The filler stuff really pisses me off...hate it. Is that red headed woman the same one they had the conference call with who called that cross "the find of the century"? I swear sometimes I watch the show and it looks new, then they go about reviewing crap they had a few episodes before. I can never tell if it's new or a repeat.
  17. https://www.directvnow.com/
  18. Anybody excited about this new show? The Curse of Civil War Gold New series premieres Tuesday, March 6 at 10 EP. The Curse of Oak Island’s treasure hunters Rick and Marty Lagina have been approached by treasure seekers around the world who each offer their leads and seek advice. Recently, Marty learned of a mystery that rivals that of Oak Island, when he was introduced to fellow Michigan native, Kevin Dykstra and his team — men who are obsessed with a story of national treasure that goes back to the Civil War.
  19. One time I scheduled my disconnect in a week to give them a chance to give me some incentive to stay....next morning I woke up and no DTV!!! I called and bitched and they gave me free Sunday ticket, free HBO and 30 off a month for a year!!! I'm at "Select" now, sometimes move up to get ESPN...I get 60 off a month for six months, half price Showtime and usually free or almost free ST. My bill is like $70 bucks. You are not cheap, or prudent...you are my hero!
  20. Nope...I went down to the lowest package, got 60 off a month for 6 months and Sunday Ticket for like $120.
  21. I gonna be on all weekend! Yeah...Marv's Neighbor my Dad fought in WWII was shot down and was in a Nazi POW camp for over a year....my brother fought in Vietnam two tours...so stay in your lane bro.
  22. Was that like a "get off my lawn" post?
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