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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. yeah, and get 1/10 of the dose you think you're taking.
  2. GSK...great company...good luck there...next, try Merck, then Lilly...stay away from Pfizer.
  3. then it would be defensive PI...but Reed's hand were up in a blocking position...check the tape.
  4. Actions that constitute offensive pass interference include but are not limited to: (a) Blocking downfield by an offensive player prior to the ball being touched. (b) Initiating contact with a defender by shoving or pushing off thus creating a separation in an attempt to catch a pass. © Driving through a defender who has established a position on the field.
  5. That sounds like a pick...and picks are illegal.
  6. I loved the play as well...but JR had his hands on the corner while the ball was in he air...it was pretty clear.
  7. The Armed Forces of the Republic of Kosova (Forcat e Armatosura të Republikës së Kosovës).
  8. I don't understand why they don't just let natural selection take over with these stupid animals.
  9. ...this guy is starting to sound alot like JSP...not that there's anything wrong with that.
  10. most ridiculous thread ever...except that part about Joe giving head...that was pretty !@#$ing funny...
  11. ....I invited T-Bone over to watch a Bills game once...ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. bingo...they didn't even get there with the blitzing...
  13. so...have you actually paid attention to how BB and the Pats have operated during their Super Bowl years?
  14. As a person who does this stuff on a daily basis I have to call bull sh-- on some of these statements. The animal welfare committee's at universities and private firms are required to follow very strict guidelines on what you do to animals...back in the 80's those committee were basically nonexistant. We have to spell out everything we do with animals and have to wait approval of the committee...the membership on these committee's include people from outside the institution, so they don't just rubber stamp the proposals. Contrary to your belief we are not ghoul's who love to torture animals... Anyway...working for a big drug company we do this stuff everday in the hope that we may help cure or treat some of the maladies that afflict mankind...we treat the animals with respect, I can't site one example of an animal being mistreated purposefully in the 20 some years I've been involved with animal testing...furthermore, animal testing is very expensive and therefore very few redundant or dumb experiments are conducted. AFA mimicing paying bills, traffic jams, etc...those stressfull events produce a physiological consequence that can be modeled in animals...if you can modify those physiological events in animals, you most likely can modify those events in people....it ain't that complicated. BTW Moose, are you a Ned Lamont supporter?
  15. yep...now all those "secrets" you and your brother shared with him are coming home to roost...thanks again Joe.
  16. no need...he's been called "Fists of Fury"...but I clamped down on that sh-- real quick.
  17. I feel your pain...Danny starts HS next week...maybe I'll get him a Power Ranger's backpack and lunch box....
  18. drugs were cheaper then and the music was better.
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