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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. T-Bone is in the cubicle next to me...'nuff said.
  2. Here's something else that is interesting...."The study suggests a way mutations could build up in a population, says Nipam Patel, an evo-devo researcher at the University of Chicago. If good nutrition can mask harmful genetic changes, mutations might accumulate unnoticed. Should diet then change, the mutations would exert their influence, possibly changing the animals' physical or behavioral traits. Then evolution could take its course, selecting against some of these traits while favoring others." http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2002/507/4
  3. I know what he was saying and he's wrong. Your genes are the potential and they can be influenced by nutrition. And as I said before natural selection acts on the phenotype. The phenotype is the overall result of an individual's genes, the environment, and the interactions between genes and between genes and the environment.
  4. http://www.newcenturyhealthpublishers.com/...ition/index.php http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.f...p;dopt=Abstract http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/full/76/3/696 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/...60814121912.htm
  5. natural selection is based on the interaction of genes with environment (nutrition)...
  6. Did you hear about the holsteins that were sent up into orbit? It was the herd shot around the world
  7. just find a girl that would do anything for a buck.
  8. I felt an obligation to help...here's another interesting factoid...the taller you are the longer you live...hmmm...
  9. genes are merely a blueprint that specifies what is possible given an optimal environment...not everyone has the same environment...over the last 150 years people in industrialized nations have grown over 4 inches in average.
  10. yeah...looks like he is... http://www.rayfinkle.com/pages/11/index.htm
  11. I wait until my face is bleeding following a shave, then I know it's time.
  12. I think you really need to try the Venus...
  13. doesn't this belong in the Consumer Forum?
  14. yeah...she prefered a cut-throat razor...God rest her soul....
  15. yeah...only sissies give stuff to Goodwill.
  16. blade...tried an electric years ago and just thought it was more irritating and didn't shave as close...
  17. I thought this thread was about Willis!
  18. I saw Van Halen when they opened up for Black Sabbath in '78...sixth row...out of my mind....good times.
  19. ...does it take into account regression toward the mean?
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