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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. they gots lots of people there, what's a few million less...between you and me...I wouldn't take any new drug until it's been on the market at least 3 years...scary stuff I've seen.
  2. here's the thing about drug companies moving to China, they'd probably be able to skip all the animal research and go straight into man...the animal rights people would love it!
  3. too confusing.... PC can mean: Patrol Craft [ship type] Peace (in) Christ Peace Corps PerCent; PerCentage Personal Computer [Apple and IBM want you to believe a specific kind] Photo Copy [being sent to individual or organization name that follows] Player Character [see NPC] Police Constable Politically Correct PolyCarbonate [A plastic material] Post Card Post Cibum [Lat: after meals] President's Choice [a popular brand name in Canada] Primary Center Printed Circuit Privileged Character Privy Council Production Control Program Counter Progressive Conservative party [Canada] Publications Committee while PR can mean: PayRoll Problem Report Public Relations Puerto Rico
  4. yeah it's a word, but naiveté is probably the correct word to use.
  5. People's Exhibit #4 in the "Shut the !@#$ up when you have nothing to say" department?
  6. perhaps we should consult the Edinburgh black box or examine some chicken entrails....wait....there is always the Magic 8 ball.
  7. whoa there...this isn't that kind of forum.... http://www.answers.com/topic/penile-inversion
  8. Of all discoveries and opinions, none may have exerted a greater effect on the human spirit than the doctrine of Copernicus.
  9. is it too late to call shananigans on this thread?
  10. hehehe...you said shananigans....certainly high jinks, monkeyshines or tomfoolery are more manly terms...plus you spelled it wrong!
  11. sigh...again my posts go unread....back to the shadows for me.
  12. by your appeal for common sense....BTW when I first read you post I thought it said "NO NEED TO PANIC we have meds...."
  13. indeed....indeed I do. Ignorami hehehehe.
  14. seriously...who is Kevin Curtis...wait...didn't he and Jack Lemmon dress up like women in "Some Like It Hot."
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