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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. Here he is at the office... http://images.jupiterimages.com/common/det...88/22988811.jpg
  2. those are guys....phytoestrogens, mimic the effects of estrogen and are particularly effective at triggering breast growth. After all, gynecomastia (male breast enlargement) is triggered by marijuana..
  3. go ahead and continue to play Russian roulette.... From the source itself: Should ketchup be refrigerated? Because it is a very acidic product, ketchup does not spoil easily. Once opened, in order to maintain the product's quality more effectively, we do suggest that ketchup (and any other processed food) be refrigerated after opening because refrigeration retards spoilage. http://www.heinz.com/Consumer_faq.aspx Good God man...what more do you need?!?!?!?!?
  4. looks like you should to ensure quality and flavor....that's what we've always done. http://busycooks.about.com/library/lessons/blrefrig4.htm
  5. I guess you forfeit the right to be treated with dignity if you are handicapped and a criminal or mentally ill.
  6. I'm about to smack you up for tryin to front on me in front of my peeps, you feel me? Keep on talking about my Momma and I'ma' flex on you! Fo' rizeal
  7. That doesn't sound too gangsta fo shizzle.
  8. I've found my perfect tattoo...the structure of diazepam! http://carlzimmer.typepad.com/sciencetatto...logy/index.html
  9. my colleagues and I just developed this...we need to hand this out at the door. http://www.sarcasma.net/sarcasma_002.htm
  10. why don't they just buy him some of these? http://www.x-entertainment.com/articles/0748/3.jpg
  11. one word of advice...spell check....wait, that's two words...
  12. Chris Farley: You remember when you were with the Beatles? Paul McCartney: Yes. Chris Farley: That was awesome. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris Farley: Remember when you were with the Beatles and you were supposed to be dead, and there were all these clues, like you play some song backwards and it'd say, like "Paul is Dead" and everybody thought you were dead and, um, that was a hoax right? Paul McCartney: Yeah, I wasn't really dead. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris Farley: I think we got time for one more question. Remember when you were in the Beatles and you did that album Abbey Road and at the very end of the song, it went: 'And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make'. You remember that? Paul McCartney: Yes. Chris Farley: Um, is that true?
  13. indeed...that would just make this thread officially official....not that there's anything wrong with that.
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