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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. I guess, but it sure does work, repellent and fertilizer built in one...
  2. And it's a great deer repellent as well! So like salt washed down with say....ammonia? Yum!!
  3. Maybe I'm a dick and I just don't know it??? Mercy!!!
  4. That the attitude that keeps you out of our club.
  5. 50....I thought I'd be higher than that.
  6. Siblings born '46, '47, '49....me.....'59. OOOOPS!
  7. I believe he meant this calendar year only.
  8. Having lost someone who was very dear to me I understand where you are coming from. The day Danny passed forever changed my life, things will never be the same...life is less joyful, and I can't imagine it getting better. But I have come to the understanding that this was part of a plan and not some random event...your wife lives on and is with you, she's not really gone. I know this doesn't lessen the hurt, and it doesn't stop you from thinking of her constantly...but you still do have a reason for being here...and it' not to just feel pain. You will never lessen the pain with pills or booze, it'll just perpetuate it. Try to find meaning in everyday things, appreciate this life we have, you will see her again. Feel free to PM me, I have things to share that will make you at least consider that we never really lose our loved ones.
  9. I dunno maybe it's just me...but this is just sad, these women are obviously addicts and are lost souls. Sorry if I'm being a thread killer, but there are some things that I just can't make light of.
  10. What ever happened to "this topic has been locked because it swerved way off topic and became a feud between two posters, one who happened to be a mod"?
  11. He wasn't exactly glowing in his reviews of Carson Wentz either...." He still struggles with location and accuracy, operating from a wide base at times instead of standing more upright in the pocket. Wentz has a big arm that will occasionally force the ball into coverage, often because he processes his reads and opposing defenses too slowly in the pocket. By the time he’s made a decision, defenders have often maneuvered into position to make a play on the ball." Does this sound familiar? I wouldn't mind if Allen turned out like Wentz. https://draftwire.usatoday.com/2016/01/31/carson-wentz-is-who-we-thought-he-was-and-there-is-nothing-wrong-with-that/
  12. It happens when you get old I think....sometimes if I want to !@#$ with people I say "end of transmission".
  13. Not sure when I started saying it, but I end my conversations with "bye now".
  14. hmmm....I could leave 37 that would make it 1.0.
  15. " Performance on the Wonderlic was not significantly correlated with fluid reasoning skills (r=.26) but was most strongly associated with overall intellectual functioning, " What does the Wonderlic Personnel Test measure?
  16. I still like "farm choirs"....
  17. I always thought you were a lot younger...like maybe 10. Happy belated birthday bastard!
  18. Maybe he doesn't like singing Ol McDonald...
  19. The last time I heard generational talent it was attached to Sammy Watkins. YIKES!!
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