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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. not really...bounced from three straight conference finals....that's bad...and according to Dumars "Make no mistake, everybody is in play right now...There are no sacred cows here. You lose that sacred cow status when you lose three straight years." Sounds like a prelude to dismantling...too bad, there are a good team.
  2. I'm a Pistons fan...but I just have a feeling it's gonna be Lakers vs Celtics...and it makes me...well, you know.
  3. the party's over...nothing to see here...move along....
  4. I like Howard and respect him alot, but the Magic don't have a team like the Pistons do...they aren't built around any one player, they have alot of interchangeble parts that can be swapped in and out and the unit still functions. That is why they are there year after year...no true super stars, but as a unit they are superior to most teams in the league. They problem they have is taking teams lightly and then they just look ugly. For as much as people dislike the Pistons, I seriously doubt they would reject having any of the starting 5 on their team. BTW I like Lebron, but he's becoming a bit of a drama queen lately, like after that clothesline. I still prefer Chris Paul, but I'm sure he'll change too.
  5. Where's Holcomb's Arm when you need him? ball washing indeed.
  6. you're the one that was waaaay off Bub....why would you count September when that was when he quit? Doof!
  7. so have you adopted another team to root for? My second team is the Hornets...gotta love that team.
  8. did I say worked...not sure the Dean ever really worked....
  9. sure...why not...bus driver...drunk tank...it's all the same.
  10. indeed. DUH! (I'm originally from Buffalo, now in CT). See ya next year!
  11. 21 vs 3....officials have NOTHING to do with turnovers...that was the game...oh yeah and the free throws, Pistons were on, even without Billups. Now I know how the Pats fans feel when they read some posts around here.
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