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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. they need to discover the vitue of changing bad word filters...that stevestojan really works!
  2. Damn Pooj just buy a Windows smartphone...and read these instructions! http://blogs.computerworld.com/windows_sma...t_sized_wingman
  3. I now hate Favre and wish they'd send him to the Cardinals...that way we would never hear about him again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. IMO it's second to the original...Miami has lots of eye candy, but Caruso negates most of that.
  5. I still can't tell if he takes himself seriously.
  6. I will never give the Bills a "pass"...WTF? A pass?!?!?!?
  7. a simple Google search provided me with something that is most certainly up your alley....The Seattlle Fairie Festival is scheduled Aug 16 in Volunteer Park...Enjoy!
  8. what a bunch of frickin' idiots... (Moe gets ready to slap Shemp, Larry foolishly intervenes) Larry:"Hey, pick on someone your size!" Moe(Slightly amused):"You want me to pick on you?" Larry(acting tough):"Yeah, I want you to pick on me!" (at this point Moe dismisses him as unimportant and turns back to Shemp) Larry(proudly to himself):"Ahh I knew I'd bluff him..." (Moe then proceeds to kick Larry from behind)-3 Stooges here you go...this HAS to be the truth. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot
  9. http://leninology.blogspot.com/2008/02/not...ful-idiots.html
  10. http://www.nfl.com/players/kenanderson/car...ts?id=AND324128 IF Bledsoe ever gets in it's an injustice!
  11. Kenny Anderson is much more deserving than Bledsoe...when's he going to get in?
  12. who are you VABills? Those references are soooo last week.
  13. okay...I did a google image search and just looked at the first 120 images...none of them showed anything other than chocolate + chocolate...interesting. http://images.google.com/images?gbv=2&...tart=0&sa=N
  14. ....HEY!.....back in dem days we was pretty goood....now...not so much.
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