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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. he said through an absinthe stupor....
  2. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  3. This actually happened last year....T-Bone was all crowing about the Pats being undefeated about midway through the season.... ME: So tell me T-Bone, can you name one of the offensive linemen on the Pats? T-Bone: ...uh...uh...I'll get back to you [walks away] ME:
  4. yeah...he was grumpy this morning...mumbling something about being in a bad mood because "stupid people were glad Brady got injured"...wonder if he was reading the board...I just kept my glee hidden....I mean my pall...that was cast upon me.
  5. what? you saying I ain't got pall...I got pall...and plenty of it!
  6. understandable....some of my "friends" here have likened me to this fellow... http://www.botar.us/foto/sleepyhollow3.jpg Ichabod....INDEED!
  7. one of my best friends had a 1972 Charger...we had a some great times...
  8. Mach I fastback....sigh...those were the days....
  9. She should be expecting a reprimand from stevestojan any minute now...
  10. way to have the broader implications fly right over (through?) your head...do you really need things spelled out for you?
  11. indeed....there is very little faith or reason here.
  12. This country is F'ed up. http://sports.yahoo.com/top/news?slug=ap-t...p&type=lgns
  13. now I understand why my son wants to suddenly move to Dallas...
  14. usually my entrance into a thread signals it's demise...
  15. they're pretty crafty...they obviously bury it.
  16. Those are live creatures, not one that's been dead for awhile...they aren't groomed after death, so I would expect them to appear a bit disheveled.
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