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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. self-aggrandizing A adjective 1 boastful, braggart(a), bragging(a), braggy, big, rooster-a-hoop, crowing, self-aggrandizing, self-aggrandising exhibiting self-importance; "big talk" 2 self-aggrandizing, self-aggrandising of or relating to or characteristic of self-aggrandizement you rooster-a-hoop
  2. By laughing at Dean, we are actually helping him. Its like a fish in a fish bowl. It doesn't want to be there, but your personal gain from it being there is greater than its personal gain from not being there. ---Oscar Wilde
  3. no...NO...I will not be grouped with those negative nancy's...NEVER! The Bills don't suck...they are just averge at this point...soon moving to greatness and the glory of the Kelly era will reemerge!!!!!!!!
  4. yeah...good ol' babcha....sniff...I miss her...she had a pet name for me...she'd call me her "gówniarz"...
  5. Someday I'll tell the tales of the Nervous Boy...I'll wait 'til he "makes it". Things are really !@#$ed up today....Jesus Christ, dodge the freakin bullet, only to have those bastards pop in another clip....BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eh, we'll see what happens.
  6. he only took me on indirectly...he's smart...but that infallible ref remark
  7. Yeah...the refs and people around here always get things right. ....weak.
  8. I'm with you...sounds like a hard working kid that flew under the radar and then made it through hard work, even wanted to play close to his Mom...he's got the benefit of my doubt one this one.
  9. yeah the kid sounds like a real dick....“One thing I’ve learned is that you’re not given anything. It’s all about the work you put in, so I’ll never stop working.”
  10. yeah...he and Ben Utt used to really go at it....that bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. better them than us...we've had enough of that.
  12. All is well...I survived, so did Mr. Bone in case you were worried. Lots of good folks didn't make it, I feel very fortunate. Carry on.
  13. even the great Farve didn't do too well in the snow on Sunday.
  14. You shouldn't hate on those guys...they never got proper coaching in Buffalo, you watch, they'll go to another team and be really really good.
  15. Stat of the Week No. 5: In two starts, J.P. Losman has four interceptions and six fumbles. DAMN THAT JASON PETERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. me too. ...I guess we have some common ground. Supporting a losing cause. NEVER AGAIN!!!!
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