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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. Damn...sorry about the duplicate thread...you win.
  2. Happens almost every game....smh.
  3. Not sure if I've ever seen this before, and I've been watching football for a long, long time! I had to chuckle....that was so....Billsy! https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/sec-football/watch-somehow-the-jets-got-flagged-for-3-holding-penalties-on-one-play/
  4. He's also really good at telling Benjamin where to line up too! It's unbelievable really, does Benjamin know the playbook?
  5. We're not the worst!!! WOO HOO!!
  6. Not true with my bank....zero liability.
  7. Targeting is reviewable in the NFL, just like college. https://www.sbnation.com/2018/5/22/17369164/nfl-rule-change-ejections-reviewable-spring-league-meeting-2018
  8. This version of the Michigan D is vastly different, fast and strong. It would be strength on strength. Maybe we'll see this match up...this year we actually have an offense to complement the D...but make no mistake the D is for real.
  9. I would really like to see the Alabama offense go up against the Michigan defense...
  10. Wow...today's news is getting weirder and weirder...
  11. Wow there's a lot of stupid news today.
  12. I'd like to have a thumbs down or pile of poop option.
  13. Sadly that's not uncommon...opioid addiction treatment in this country is not very effective. Very few are medically based...12 step programs work in such a small percent of patients. Pretty sad.
  14. That side of the state she was probably a Giants fan as well.
  15. Yep, there's a lot of truth in what you say. Initially it's a choice, no doubt. Then in turns into something else...not sure you know that opiates actually rewire the brain. I'm not going to change your way of thinking. You're other analogies have no bearing on addiction. I'm a neuroscientist...addictive drugs change the brain, zero debate. It doesn't take very long for it to happen...then that's it. If you want to call it something other than a disease I'm cool with that. Sorry, but it's not a moral failing. With all your years of being around addicts did you ask them if they wanted that life? Not many do. FYI my son "just ended it" about a year and a half ago...I gotta say THAT hasn't saved us one ounce of grief. BTW I feel the same way you do about drug dealers
  16. Don't dislike you...BTW I don't ban people I disagree with.
  17. What about the ones who repeatedly try to get and stay clean...who don't want to be an addict and then die from an OD? Hope you don't have a son or daughter who make the "wrong choice"...though my bet is you'd feel something different. Trust me....walk a mile in our shoes bro.
  18. Welcome to the family.
  19. It's no coincidence that induction of emotional outbursts in others is a salient feature of successful trolling....just sayin...
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