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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. Happy belated BD bastard.
  2. Thank you everyone...though I don't post much anymore I still lurk...pretty soon, probably in time with the new stadium, I'll have much more time on my hands. Much appreciate the good wishes.
  3. This is sad news. One of the originals and a genuine guy...wore his heart on his sleeve, did all he could for his kids. He will be missed. RIP John.
  4. Second round in 2017...nice comparison.
  5. Thanks Bro's!! I'm still around...just lurking.
  6. I've been a Bills fan for almost 63 years....what else could my name be?
  7. Reminds me of Johnny Manziel
  8. For the second year in a row I don't have to pay and I get ST Max....just got an email from DTV on Tuesday....pretty excited to not have to haggle!!!
  9. That's what my wife said....surprised me!
  10. Yep...matter of fact I was just talking to my wife about this yesterday....as some around here know, I lost my son Feb 3 2017...such an amazing kid!! We'd talk Bills all the time. Some old timers around here met him several times in the late 90's, early 2000's. My general reaction to the Bills now is much more subdued, but still very happy and proud. Watching games is not the same without him...I have to say this team as a whole is what he always wanted us to be. He never got to see Allen, Diggs now Sanders do what he loved..."go DEEP"! So I sit and watch the Bills and my thoughts drift to Danny...so yes...this is great, but it is and probably always will be, bittersweet.
  11. How do you feel about Doris Burke?
  12. Indeed...welcome to the club.
  13. Just do the call and at the prompt say "customer loyalty", you get connected right away.
  14. I have ATT wireless and this is the first time I've gotten ST for free without haggling, I've always had to haggle and got anything from free (last year) to at worst half price.
  15. yes, several times
  16. Got the same email a few hours ago...I'm very happy and relieved!!! Here's the fine print on the email: *Select int’I games excluded. **Only available in HD. Out‑of‑market games only. Blackout rules and other restrictions apply. Package consists of all live out‑of‑market NFL games (based on customer's service address) broadcast on FOX and CBS; however, games broadcast by your local FOX or CBS affiliate will not be available in NFL SUNDAY TICKET. Games available via remote viewing based on device location. Other conditions apply. NFL SUNDAY TICKET subscription will not automatically renew. Only one game may be accessed remotely at any given time. Compatible device/operating system required for online/ mobile access. Additional data charges may apply.
  17. hmmmm....so now we know what happened to @Heitz cooler lo these many years....
  18. Damn I did not know this!!! It's my daughters 25th as well!!
  19. I saw this "article", read the blurb and my first thought was "why is this even a story"?
  20. I'm waiting for @The Dean's response to this question...
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