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  1. They're different but not separate. Both are violations of the rules. Its just that one already has a check and subsequent punishment in place, whereas the Patriots issue (so it seems) does not. If a committee was in place I feel they would have standard protocols for things like these ready. Inconsistent punishments always make headlines, this would allay some of that.
  2. So what I don't understand is, there's a rules committee so why isn't their a punishment committee? (if you will). It seems as though its all up to Goodell to hand down fines and punishments and he's very arbitrary (i.e. Ray Rice fiasco). I think they should have a committee, in a timely matter, to consistently investigate player conduct and rules violations and then decide on punishment. I say this because I heard that the NFL hasn't even spoken with Brady yet. A committee should have had him questioned within 24 hours.
  3. "...best.part?? ALL the wings I can eat!"
  4. The threads I saw have been about they who's not the why so many
  5. My original thought was that its like shooting bb's at a barn and hoping one hits instead of a carefully aimed shot. If I go to buy a shirt I don't look at many and just hope I find something I like. I know I want a blue one with buttons. So I'm thinking instead of looking at many coaches they should know what type they want (offensive minded, defensive minded, previous experience etc. But as T Master pointed out if I put all that money in a team I would want to be thorough
  6. Yes, this makes sense.
  7. I just assumed that because they track players all the time and seem to be able to fill in a roster spot because of injury fairly quickly that someone would be keeping tabs on coaches too. Just in case something like this happens and they would have a short list to pick from. Maybe because they haven't been this diligent in the past it seems a bit out of character.
  8. The Buffalo Bills have or scheduled to have interviews with 15 different people for the head coaching job. Should I be glad they're being diligent or nervous that they might not know what they're doing? I thought that teams usually had a contingency plan in their back pocket for situations like this.
  9. This is what I wear on my conjugal visits to Hernandez
  10. Darn it man, we told you twice.."Dark brown on the left"
  11. I think the Lions should look at it as the glass is half full. It was a David & Goliath game, the Bills were the underdogs and they were excited because they beat a really good team. If Detroit was 0-4 this never would have happened.
  12. Wasn't Steve the emergency quarterback? I seem to remember a game when we were down to our 3rd string and that was mentioned.
  13. Belicgick wouldn't be afraid to trade him to another team in the division. He's arrogant and thinks he's the smartest guy in the room.
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