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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. In before 25 pages... this thread will go downhill quick
  2. No and it might be a clever way to circumvent the feds agenda.
  3. Actually Its a huge difference in how quickly the cold will overwhelm you. Think of the reverse....how much of a temperature difference do you notice goin from +10 to +60 Don't get me wrong -10 is cold as hell but -60 is much worse
  4. I'm not a lawyer...but good for the state of Mississippi.
  5. Obama is who he is, his actions and record don't lie. Sure his numerous "present" votes made him look lazy and out of his league, but it hid his radical leftist agenda and insulated him from ideological criticism. The media won't be able to cover for him forever.
  6. I only saw one of his games so I have a small sample to form an opinion from, but he was awful. No thanks
  7. I suppose crusader would consider a Ruger 10 .22 an assault rifle. Moron
  8. Tea party, Boston. Do they not teach American history anymore in school? Seriously...not kidding. How do people not remember forming events in our history and the experiences that became a part of our constitution and legal system. No wonder the majority of Americans are a bunch of clueless politically correct herd of sheep Were using your own stupid backwards logic. It's applying the same criteria to view 2 constitutional amendments. But hey....ill put it in others terms that might stun you. When the 2nd amendment goes away, so will the first.
  9. By your stupid logic.. should you have free speech on Twitter? Blogs? Tv/radio shows? Movies? Internet?!? No. Because there is no way the founding fathers could have known any of this would exist. Now sit down and shut up. I've had enough of your poorly thought out emotional ranting on your crusade against guns. The 2nd amendment is there, deal with it. PS- I just signed up to take my NY state pistol permit class. Hugs and kisses
  10. One is a murderer, the other does charity. Guess who the media portrays in a better perspective
  11. How was the turnout? What was the scene like?
  12. Giggity for both
  13. Right...so how is fiscal conservatism and smaller federal government that the tea party champions a bad thing? Super big government spend us and regulate us to oblivion liberals are welcome to go away.. but unfortunately the takers seem all to happy to have government consolidate more power and ever increasingly dictate personal lives.
  14. Enjoying a delicious bottle of finger lakes Diamond wine
  15. Thanks that's some interesting feedback
  16. Do they have English bulldogs or gold ?
  17. How can you be so sure? It's already happening in piece meal to change our perceptions of gun owners to gradually depict and frame them as "gun nuts" "fringe" "crime" "unreasonable" etc... its a slippery slope and at what point will the pendulum have swung too far to be stopped?
  18. Arrogant... eh.. ignorant would be more appropriate
  19. This is faulty arrogant logic. Muskets were the standard issue state of the art weapon, for hunting, defense and military issue. The public civilians were able to own a weapon which they were best able to defend themselves, family and property. Had the founding fathers anticipated assault rifles, semi automatic rifles and pistols, I have no doubt they would have intended to protect them as well.
  20. Why is it nonsense? If this was common popular sentiment in 1775 we would be pledging allegiance to a different red white and blue flag. Why are people so quick and willing to give up their rights which have been passed to them paid for in blood
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