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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. They got to go back to their Barracks every night in England and live a relatively calm life when not on missions. But their loss rates in combat were horrific. On certain raids 1 out of every 3 crews were lost. Those aren't very good odds. There are a few notorious missions, the raid on pluesti oil fields, the merserschmitt factory etc... The brits had a rough go of it night bombing as well.
  2. All you libs can complain about ideological differences that you want. At least bush wasn't an empty suit. If the media critically investigated obama with half as much effort as they were to bush, obama would be exposed for the corrupt radical that he is. The general American public is now realizing maybe bush wasn't as bad as the media portrayed him, and maybe obama isn't our savior afterall.
  3. Reminds me of a story.... If you drop a frog in boiling water it would jump right out. If you drop the same frog into room temperature water and very slowly heat the water it will sit there and boil to death. No idea if there is truth to it but you get the message...
  4. Was dark city where the people all fell asleep except for the few people who controlled everything? I vaguely remember that movie
  5. Do as we say not as we do.
  6. Yea...the "leftist" view of history may be just slightly off from actual events. Hitler lost the war for numerous reasons. The first of which was having a war against russia in the east and allies in the west. He should have known chamberlin was a kitty and focused on Russia 100%. By diverting his army groups to advance on stalingrad and not Moscow he lost irreplaceable resources nevermind his strategy of not retreating or even equipping his troops for winter battle. Against Britain he could have don if he kept attacking the RAF airfields to establish air superiority but was an idiot and shifted to bomb London and population centers which accomplished nothing more than propaganda and allowed the RAF to refit and repair and train more pilots. And have a thoughtful and appreciative memorial day.
  7. For realistic priced cars that would be cheap almost super cars, you cant go wrong with a lotus elise. Super sexy, very light and agile with enough speed for a reasonable price. If I had the money I would get a Nissan skyline.
  8. From what I have been told an oversized flatbed hauling large drilling equipment hit a support beam ok the bridge which resulted in the bridge failing.
  9. This ^ is the reason I rarely even even watch ESPN anymore. One thing to add is the NE PATRIOTS* are the NFL there just happens to be this other division NFC-EAST, NY JETS a couple of mannings and this tebow guy.
  10. Should be an entertaining circus to follow
  11. I'm sure an obscure video on YouTube is to blame. Good thing no private citizens were armed with guns either.
  12. Obviously an obscure YouTube video is to blame. We all know it Can't be terrorists scumbags using Islam as justification to commit terrible acts of violence.
  13. They are destroying the everglades and eat everything in sight. They are wiping out birds and out competing alligators. The public is encouraged to hunt them
  14. Wow. I remember the cia had some weapon caches in a warehouse near the annex that was initially reported on but I haven't heard much recently. I really want Hillary and obama to be held accountable for this. Yes we can! Hope and change! Most transparent administration! Forward!
  15. To quantity my below post I am from buffalo so tornadoes are not something I'm used to. I was in witchita falls tx (just south of OK) for a few months in the spring during tornado season. And the super cell thunderstorms were unreal. I had not even been in weather that compared and I have traveled my fair share. I saw a funnel cloud (a tornado that never touched down) and massive rotating wall clouds. As well as the sky literally churning and lots of hail. The first time I ever heard a tornado siren and had to take cover was pretty surprising and scary. I am fascinated by weather and I was still nervous. I cant even imagine what it would be like to try and survive a massive tornado that is leveling everything in its path.
  16. I have a 401k through my employer but I'm becoming more and more interested in common stocks so I am looking into ways to start investing that route as well. I've been reading up on some liquid natural gas companies that have me intrigued for growth and profit potential. Can you invest in stocks with an IRA or are they mutual funds? Any ideas or recommendations to begin investing with minimal starting funds? Thanks again Thanks ill check out napfa.org
  17. This is the Dumbest thing I have read all day. You have a funny revisionist version of history. No wonder your world views are so skewed
  18. Does anyone here (I'm sure some of you do) use online personal investing in the stock market? What broker service do you use? Any advice?
  19. So the CN tower edge walk is out of the question?
  20. Lotsa $. Imagine how much cocaine and hookers that could buy
  21. My secret is out....drink it and like it
  22. Unfortunately more american citizens care more about american idol than our president and administration blatantly lying to us. We get the government we deserve. Obama is a scumbag who only cares about himself. He has his own ambitions ahead of integrity and doing the right thing for the country. His administration is right behind him.
  23. Why should he get another chance? He has missed the playoffs more years than not. For every good deadline deal he makes there is another one like brad boyes or raffi torres. He has built numerous flawed teams and realized and reacted too slowly to make corrections. Why should I have any shred of confidence that he is taking us in the right direction. Based on his record he is more likely to fail than not. I'm a die hard sabres fan but I'm done until they get a new GM. They were just talking about how we need to be ready to suffer more well !@#$ that I've had it. If they are already preparing us for low expectations and more rebuilding years how the hell will Darcy get fired in the next few years even when they are already pushing low expectations and raising ticket prices. They can go to hell. And don't get me started about trading the greatest player in sabres history, firing the coach of the year, the whole briere drury debacle, the way lindy got fired was even weird etc... !@#$ it as long as he is the GM I've had it. I love the team and I want a competant GM who can build a winner.
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