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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. I am almost to the point where my employer will pay for a masters degree. I have been looking into various programs and am not yet sure what i want to pursue as far as an MBA goes. It seems to keep advancing most promotions want the MBA box "checked". What did you look for when selecting a school, and specifically the program? How did it compare to your bachelor's? Did it help your career? Any advice?
  2. Sigh.... I looked into all this at one point and even visited a "pilot mill" in Florida where I would have graduated with a ton of debt, 200 hrs, and a CRJ type rating. I chose not to go that route because of the insane amount of debt you incurr and the terrible entry wages you would be paid. A new FO with a regional airline will be lucky to clear 20k. Sure life would be great if you could stick it out 10 years, build your log book and get hired by a better carrier but its a tough road until then.
  3. He also is on air on wben930 sometimes as s fill in host. I'm pretty sure I watched his story on the military channel on their "shootout" series. I had a few beverages .... but the first hand accounts of the brutal house to house small unit urban fights was incredible to hear first hand accounts of. Agree. I read "the pacific" which goes into far more detail than the mini series and was a great read
  4. Geez sounds like some crappy luck sorry to hear.
  5. Like I believe US Americans need more maps....and the Iraq and places like such as. Oh... not that miss south Carolina.....
  6. On trains the air pressure in the brake system keeps the brakes from being applied. Once air is removed the brakes will function. It's supposed to act as a fail safe that if a train loses air pressure the brakes will go to their default position which is to brake. Train cars are also equipped with manual hand brakes which can be applied separately . Typically trains will need to maintain constant air pressure or train crews will be forced to perform a brake check before the train can be moved which can be very time consuming, so most likely the engine was left running to maintain air pressure to prevent the brake inspection before the next crew took over. If you are curious to read of another train disaster Wikipedia the " graniteville SC train derailment"
  7. I think he had his type rating in 747 also so he was experienced flying jumbos....so I'm sure he landed at SFO at some point prior. But this definitely seems like it has pilot error written all over it. The other crew who flew first half of the flight were likely on crew rest. Most people don't realize that when a pilot gets a new rating for an aircraft...after their simulator time, the first time they actually fly that type of aircraft they have passengers. But...once again proves Boeing makes a damn good plane. If it ain't Boeing I'm not going. (Which is why 95% of the time I fly southwest)
  8. ^^ this incident has pilot error written all over it. Which is interesting because usually the most senior experienced pilots fly widebodies on long routes due to higher pay, so these should be some of Asiania's better pilots.... A theory right now is that the ILS system was down and the on duty crew did not realize it. But they were landing VFR anyways so it seems they just misjudged the distance. It will be interesting to see what happens as more info comes out.
  9. Forgot the name of the beach but on Andersen AFB in Guam there is a private beach with bamboo willys bar. It's a pretty cool beach. Not the best for swimming and its inside a reef so there really aren't many waves but as far as a beach to hang out on its AWESOME.
  10. One of the ports I am keeping an eye on are the LNG port terminals in Louisiana and Texas. The cheneire energy sabine pass is interesting to me. I'm curious to see what type of LNG expot volumes they get in the next few years. I think in the next decade the intermodal ports will continue to see increased growth and volumes as well and the intermodal container ships especially from china which link up on the west coast to the UP and BNSF railroads will see more volume. Buffalos days of being a major port are over. About the only thing I see is the American mariner dropping off grain to make cheerios and an occasional bulk shipment of some sand
  11. Do they bike to work in spandex? But back to the topic at hand....Herr Obama told EVERYONE exactly what he wanted to do and what his vision was from day 1. The only problem is no one listened everyone was drinking the hope and change koolaid oh ya! And if you dared to question his wisdom the collective media took their lips off obamas schlong and collectively branded you an evil racist for daring to call a spade a spade. Obama will do anything he can to increase the federal governments power and benefit his party. He doesn't give 2 schits about this country, you or me. He is a radical and rigid idealouge hellbent on putting this country where he thinks its place is.
  12. This is unreal. Looks like someone got them some of that obama money. Whiskey tango foxtrot.
  13. Every function that unions were originally created to fight for and protect workers is now covered by a government agency. There is OSHA for safe work conditions, regulations for work hours, minimum wage laws, equal opportunity, affirmative action, family medical leave act etc.... unions are out dated and only look to further themselves. They have no legitimate purpose.
  14. And this is the organization that will be in charge of collecting and enforcing who gets taxed errr I mean "penalized" for not participating in obamacare. !@#$ man the only thing obama is good at is to keep growing government bureaucracies and consolidating every bit of power he can Well that and he's good at claiming ignorance, blaming others, shirking responsibility, politicising everything. Oh yea he's good at apologizing too. Forgot about these
  15. How well does the valium work? Is there anything stronger? I think I want to have the procedure but I'm a big kitty with medical procedures and I think I would have really bad anxiety of getting snipped.
  16. Hope and change! Most transparent administration in history! Forward! Ugh....just keep growing government, wasting money and abusing power. Forward!
  17. Wtf man who killed common sense.
  18. Eball I'm also considering this procedure. Let me know your thoughts after your consult
  19. Depends on how scary they look
  20. An opportunity to add 1.6 million voters to the democrat party, brilliant! Settle them in Texas, even better!,(/ corrupt democrat party advisor) Hope and change!
  21. It's obvious He was drafted so late because he was yet to be taught how to play QB by teddy bruschi.
  22. So.....were going to supply weapons to an al qaida backed militant Islamic force....???? How long till they are used against us?? I guess this is a fitting response by the most transparent administration in history who brought us fast and furious and the benghazi cover up
  23. Most transparent administration in history! Yes we can!
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