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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. If I remember correctly... in marios defense last year he never brought up his injury until the media started asking him about his wrist or if he was hurt. Only after the media talked about it he brought it up. But ugh don't complain about illegal hands to the face....
  2. RIP to a brave American. POW-MIA you are not forgotten.
  3. This 1000x. As I am becoming older and wiser More and more I am hating NY for being an over glorified Nancy government controlled day care center.
  4. Shelter, water, food
  5. I like that we have a new young and fresh coaching staff willing to embrace and use technology to help win games.
  6. Lowes is my preference. Staff is friendly and helpful, plus its 1 mile from my house. Home depot is about 5 . But all things the same I would choose Lowes
  7. Run him out of town!! I've got a few extra pitch forks and torches
  8. Go big or go home.. might as well just own it
  9. This is so frustrating that everyone else in the country immediately thinks I live in Manhattan because I live in ny state. I have to constantly tell them I can see Canada on my drive to work and I'm probably 8 hour drive from NYC. that usually helps to give others a comparison. But its annoying anyways. I don't talk with a downstate accent, ny state is big, its not a giant city, in fact shocking to some its more farm country, rural and mountains than not.
  10. Your right....but same difference. Look at Byron browns kid and how he got out of trouble. The BPD covered up a crime for Byron to protect his kid
  11. Was probably wearing a hoodie too They only make laws for the common folk, they don't actually have to follow them.
  12. Destination PPP in 5..4..3..2..1... Get off my lawn!
  13. This. They talked a good game but have not publicly done anything. It's amazing a franchise in a competitive Billion dollar industry doesn't want every competitive advantage they can get....sigh...
  14. He has tons of talent but probably one head shot away from a wheel chair.
  15. Stay classy pensacola....
  16. If Issa is correct that will be damning for the most transparent administration in history. Forward! Yes we can!
  17. Too bad there wasn't a giant mud puddle of dirty water to blast through as you pass
  18. Holy crap that's a lot of money. Our government should just print more, that will fix it.
  19. Black panthers are ok. They inherently cannot be evil or hateful as they are victims of the system, therfore its our duty to allow them to continue to intimidate anyone they chose who happens to not be a black democrat outside of polling places in cities like Philadelphia. If you have a problem with this you are obviously an evil racist and are probably thinking of commiting a hate crime by daring to question this double standard and deserve to burn in hell. You probably don't like skittles either.
  20. We did this in Iraq. When we built their cell phone infrastructure and cell towers, we ultimately used it against the insurgents. We even remotely used the cell phone network to track certain individuals and use them to turn microphones on remotely to evesdrop. The amount of data we must have collected would be astonishing. We could tell what "phones" associated together, what users were even in the same car together , daily habits and tendencies, their locations, phone records, microphone activation to evesdrop on conversations etc... There is some scary technology most people are oblivious to our governments capabilities. No joke..more and more I'm thinking of trading in my "smart" phone for a dumb phone
  21. Wtf man. The media and all the race baiters are trying so hard to push their agenda and no one is able to call them on it. This country is screwed
  22. Some of my WNY favorites are; (and none are more than 15-20 mins from the stadium) Teds charbroiled hot dogs Louies slime dogs Mighty taco (buffito is yummy) Chefs (spaghetti parm Is my favorite) Dannys for beef on weck and chicken wing soup Duffs for wings Ninos for pizza (local buffalo pizza is awesome and way under rated) Charlaps for ice cream Labatts blue light to wash it all down Anything listed above can be had for less than $12 . I left out nice expensive restaurants and concentrated on the cheap yummy stuff that's fairly unique to the buffalo experience and close to the stadium.
  23. I think there are a few other very detailed threads posted by others with the general topic of "coming to buffalo for first bills game, what to see and eat"
  24. In my late 20's early 30's type. I'm in my 2nd real job post bachelors degree. Been with current employer almost 3 years.(at 3 years they pay for masters) so that's why this has come up. I work for a large fortune 300 company (nothing financial) that like many other large corporations likes education for advancement. I have already received 1 promotion which was from hourly to exempt and additional responsibility based on merit and work performance but with my current education it will be difficult to go more than 1 level higher than my current position or much past lower to mid management. I have a house..kids..family..dog..career etc... so I'm curious how the whole 1 day a week classes work out for people or if maybe online is an option.
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