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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. A girl I know quit her new job at geico after just a month, the reason being that by attempting to better herself and family, she bumped up her salary enough to disqualify herself from the public assistance benefits she was enjoying. So instead of her trying to do something with her life, advance in the world and have self pride, she would rather quit and take a lower paying job to qualify for NY benefits again.(discounted childcare, food stamps, wic, and whatever the ny state heathly kids medical benefits are for. She calculated that she lost money by taking the higher paying job with career potential, gave that up for barely above minimum wage. What the !@#$ is wrong here??!!
  2. Well Mitt Romney had a dog, and drove with it on the roof of his car! What an evil bastard! A guy like that would feed grandma dogfood then wheel her over a cliff.
  3. Even the ravens last year were not great. they had a lot of luck along the way.
  4. Guys guys, its only funny if they do it, then its art and clever humor. If the right does it, the same act must be evil racist hate mongering barbaric jerks who should not be afforded the same benefit of doubt and artistic freedom the left knows how to use
  5. But Islam is the religion of peace!!?? Msnbc, CNN and Obama himself all say so Why is their no universal outrage that Christians are being attacked or is that ok? or does that little trick only apply to minority groups. Oh wait thats right Christians are minority in Egypt
  6. This. Good I'm glad to finally be pissing other teams off. I've had enough of being the league doormat getting stomped on. It's time the bills have a new attitude and set the tone.
  7. Was at the game and he was a force. Very excited to see where this goes.
  8. He wore the mask to mock obama because he sucks at being president. He is only mocking out the white half of obama, not the black half. Therefore since its ok to mock any white person and its only not ok to mock any black person, rodeo clown = not a racist or hate speech. Just artistic expression. Gatortool Why didn't you show equal outrage over douchebags wearing bush masks? Or is that ok with you? Maybe ypur the unfair evil racist, you probably hate white people. I bet you own a horse too. Every race baiting !@#$wad seizes every chance to push their bull ****. I've had it. !@#$ them. It is what it is.
  9. Careful, you might get your head cut off by those who want to prove they are defending the religion of peace.
  10. Hah Made my hangover stop hurting my brain for 30 seconds. Bwahaha.... Thanks
  11. Obama makes as many or more gaffes as bush ever did. The media just ignores it. Slightly off topic but we know how smart bush is (or isn't) but with obama we have no idea. He still has never released his transcripts and sealed every possible record he could. And even with the media covering for his numerous and egregious !@#$ups keeps making similar mistakes. Contemporary media covers for Obama and hammers bush, when history judges both with the same level of objectivity obama will be exposed for the fraud that he is.
  12. Ya, but don't let the facts get in the way of ignorant irrational fear. Forward!!
  13. He can't answer because there is no logical response to that. It's like NYs stupid safe act. There is no logic to it. Just ban every gun that "looks" scary or has a scary "sounding" name, regardless of what the weapon is capable or not capable of. Which is a whole 'nother can of worms. The 2nd amendment should not be used to limit any type of weapon. If a mentally sound citizen wants to own a weapon they should be allowed. Yes including m2 .50 cal, barretts and desert eagles. Edit- because I'm getting angry thinking about it... its not the !@#$ing weapons or guns that are the problems you stupid ignorant bleeding hearts. It's the !@#$ing criminals that break the law to prey on law abiding citizens that are the problem. Me (law abiding citizen) wanting an AK47, SKS, M14, M1A1, M4, mk16 etc...is not the problem. The criminal committing the crime with whatever tool they choose to use illegally is the problem.
  14. I want him to play at least a full quarter then after that if its going well leave him in for the half, if its not going well at least wait till indy puts some scrubs in, let EJ do work and leave on a positive
  15. They are only journalists when its a republican, then they trip over each other digging up anything that has the slightest chance that might end up in a scandal.
  16. Miss teen south Carolina was right all along....we need more maps!!
  17. How can they even find time to shut down government, they are too busy throwing grandparents off cliffs, feeding dogfood to the poor. Did you know some republicans even have horses!! Evil!!!!!!
  18. Why can miserably cold and snowy and boring green bay get players to sign? They have a tradition of winning. Most athletes have their "main" off-season residence in another city than their work residence so I don't think they really care.
  19. I know to many particularly on the left it's truly an amazing concept to imagine criminals being less likely to attack a potential victim if the potential victim can defend themselves....shocking. Good for VA and common sense.
  20. Pats* love them some bunch formation bubble screens
  21. Haha...never gets old. 'My predecessor" That whole Egypt Arab spring thing working out?
  22. Nice story, glad your a fan. Now get up here and watch a game from the Ralph. It's only a 45 minute flight or 7 hour drive
  23. Worth a shot....doesn't hurt to kick the tires. Every once in a while you find a Fred Jackson. Worst case scenario is he ends up being camp fodder
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