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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. This didn't take long....if its serious it makes sense since he can probably run a read option...and we have 0 NFL starts at QB on our current roster. And we play the team that just cut him in 7 days..
  2. Sigh....oh well my bad. This is what happens when you browse for forum while on a phone. Tough to keep up with everything
  3. Never heard of game film? What does that mean?
  4. Breaking on ESPN now that tebow has been released I honestly wouldn't mind bringing him in if nothing more than to pick his brain for week 1
  5. Sounds like the turk found him
  6. Not watching or listening to the game...but I just read this thread. Good god.
  7. It's interesting to read about how the hardcore USAF fighter mafia types slowly made their way to the pentagon through their careers and their experience and uncompromising "not a pound for air to ground" led to the development of the F-15. The F-15c is probably the purest most successful combat fighter ever. Take the same basic airframe, slap on some conformal fuel tanks, add an EWO in back to run the weapons systems, add some sensors, increase payload capabilities and you have the F15e. Also extremely good at being a jack of all trade strike fighter. The fact of the matter is for any sort of high intensity complex operation or maneuvers you need an onboard pilot to maintain complete situational awareness. And for what its worth the A10 is the purest killing machine to fulfil the purpose it was intended to do. The entire plane is built around its 30mm cannon, designed to survive damage, high manuverabilty at low speeds, operate on unimproved fields, etc... its awesome at what it does.
  8. Clancy has some interesting topics and books. One that seemed much more challenging but still plausible and terrifying would be a plot similar to The Sum Of All Fears.
  9. You do realize that if insurgents are capable of hacking or jamming our predator/reaper feed then I'm sure countries like china, Russia, etc are probably looking into that as well. Drones are remotely piloted from a shipping container flight station anywhere in the world, the pilots commands are sent to the drone. Do you really think its a good idea to pin our entire military doctrine on this? How about drones on a nuclear mission?
  10. Yes, drones will solve everything. No. Don't worry about communication and control uplinks that can be hacked, because its already happened.
  11. I think one of them went to a flight school in peachtree city
  12. Me too, its a good thing no one ever made fun of bush or wore a bush mask ever during his presidency, or the media would be obligated to defend bush, the media would obviously never join in mocking him either.
  13. I think Cleveland and buffalo will be the up and coming teams this year I think indy and Baltimore had a lot of luck and things go their way last year (no pun intended) and will regress
  14. Obviously not all the facts are apparent yet, but it seems likely this is another violent black on white racially motivated hate crime that will go largely ignored by the national media.
  15. Why arent the al sharptons, Jesse Jacksons, obamas, oprahs, tv talking heads, professional athletes all speaking out and condemning this terrible act of violent racism? Sick of this bull **** double standard and everyone is afraid to call it out for what it is because its not "PC" to say that there is national outrage over white on black crime, but black on white crime is just "meh who cares".
  16. Shiiiiit I almost forgot....mitt Romney has a horse! What a bastard Did you hear the 72' dolphins just visited the white house?
  17. My condolences, RIP
  18. I voted for option 3 QB all the way and not even a second thought. An elite QB gives you the best possible chance to consistently win. A QB makes everyone around them better. Even makes your defense better just by ball control and keeping drives going, if you get a lead defense can play more aggressively
  19. Doesn't it bother you that the government repeatedly lied a ridiculous story about some "shadowy character" who produced some obscure YouTube video no one saw. Ignored calls for help the the state dept, told the military to stand down, and then tried to ignore all of it because it was inconvenient for them and did not fit their quasi sally fields foreign "policy" if you can call what they have policy. and then intimidates all surviving government employees into shutting the hell up as to what was really going on there and what happened. What exactly was obama doing that night? Hillary and Susan rice are just as bad. I'm so sick of amateur hour err amateur 8 years. I would take George W back in a second over this clown.
  20. Wasn't most of the southeast in a prolonged drought? I know its not helpful to get it all in a short time, but I guess if you are hoping to have the rain table replenished its not the worst thing if it ends a bad drought
  21. My predictions; East. Pats* North. Bengals South. Texans West. Broncos Wildcards Browns Bills In the hunt Colts Ravens Chiefs Thats right I think both the browns and Bengals finish better than the ravens this year.
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