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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Clearly left leaning and right leaning people will be raising their children differently..this ought to get interesting in 10- 20 years when kids of this generation are adults. I can see it now half the country will be camped in city parks, shitting on cop cars, hiding from responsibility and blaming everyone else. The other half, well they will have self responsibility and be trying to work.
  2. Shocking.. talking heads pick reigning super bowl champs over 1-2 buffalo with new coaches , rookie QB etc...
  3. This. this is beyond the comprehension of your average koolaid drinking rank and file liberal. It's the guns fault. Duh. We just have to make the guns illegal, then criminals wont use them!
  4. More government sponsored liberal indoctrination shaping the future of America
  5. "Over paying an informant by millions of dollars" are you !@#$ing serious? The less responsibility they have and the less the government manages, the better.
  6. My son has a spring powered airsoft pistol so I can relate to this. Is it bad judgement to be playing airsoft while on your private property at 8am before you go wait for the bus? yes. But that's it. Period. It's none of the schools business or concern what that kid happens to be doing on his property on a weekday morning before he goes to school. Had this happened on the bus, at school, on school property etc.. entirely different story and he would deserve a suspension. But its not. It's another example of a school district and government over stepping their bounds. If anyone doesn't know what airsoft is, they are spring or battery powered guns that shoot plastic bbs. It's the same concept as paintball but without the paint and stings less than paintball when you are shot.(you need eye protection).
  7. But mao and Stalin had good intentions... its not their fault. /liberal thought process
  8. I remember reading stories how lots of young male Somalia immigrants living in the US returned or were recruited to go back to Somalia for militant Islamic callings. I think there was a sizeable enclave from the Minneapolis area that went back to Somalia for training and fell off the grid. Wonder if some of these guys are them. Also, such a low tech attack like this in the US would be devastating. I forgot what tom chance book it was, but the basic plot was about 8 terrorists sneak into the US and plan to attack random shopping malls across the country. This idea is so chilling because it would be so easy to pull off and would be devastating to the US economy
  9. Or let mitt Romney put you on the roof of a car! Did you know the rich Romneys even own horses!
  10. I think he wants to be seen as a professional and project that to others.
  11. But if its a gun free zone then criminals aren't allowed to use guns. Think about that.
  12. I think geno smith is going to have a very rough and frustrating game. Multiple sacks and INTs. Carolina o-line and cam newton are significantly superior to jests and geno. Geno is already one of the most frequently sacked qbs per drop back attempt. Look for pettine to have fun and give geno some complex reads and coverages
  13. 5 pd's on 26 attempts....when did mckelvin learn to do that? The story of his career was he was always able to stay in position and with his man but couldn't ever stop the pass. He looked real good against the kittys last week
  14. TIM hortons is so good. Period. It's highly addictive. I honestly cannot believe it hasn't spread to more markets in the US. the farthest I have found one was just outside columbus OH. ya, I stopped for one.
  15. I don't like this, but I also don't have a problem with it. They are a business and if I don't like their policy or stance I will go somewhere else. Like....Timmy Ho's
  16. Pretty frightening how that is a blatant attempt to mislead and mold young impressionable minds. The liberal indoctrination continues....
  17. I'm super pumped. Woods looks legit
  18. I'm certain you can see Niagara falls, I haven't looked lately but I thought on a clear day you could faintly see some of toronto. I want to say the (city) to the right of downtown buffalo you are asking about is UB and amherst
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