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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. I Picked up Cameron for my fantasy team (while waiting for gronk to return) wow that turned out well. He's having a monster year so I'm trying to follow him. He reminds me of a young antonio gates. He's Frigging good. Oh and he has some guy hoyer throwing to him..
  2. I honestly think the country is more politically divided now than during the civil war or any other point in history. Looking forward I don't see any realistic chance of the left and right sides of the country meeting in the middle.
  3. There is no leadership, and no accountability. The vast majority don't give a **** and just cling to power and will do anything to keep it. Including doing what's best for themselves to get re elected not the country
  4. I meant tom clancy book. my stupid phone spelled wrong I think it might have been teeth of the tiger? Maybe?
  5. Good luck if you have pre existing conditions and did not enroll during the open enrollment period.
  6. You can't be real. You have to be one of Obamas robot Twitter social media accounts
  7. How is the tea party mooching off the government!!?? How is the tea party bankrupting the country???!!! How? Because this has been my point, other special interest groups want all their programs, benefits, entitlements whether we can afford them or not. Anytime someone tried to have a responsible discussion how to fix the problem you have jack asses like Joe biden or harry Reid talking about how republicans want us to feed poor people dog food and wheel grandma off a cliff It's all a pile of bull **** to put fear into people to keep the programs alive so.idiots can continue to vote for whatever politician they think "brings home the Bacon" and who the hell cares we can't pay or fund it. The whore politicians sure don't care they ate setting the country up to go bankrupt, as long as they keep getting re elected.
  8. You specifically called them low information. What makes them low information? Statistics and studies will show that average tea party member is more intelligent and aware of government and politics than most other groups. The media tries very hard to push the tea party= back woods racist but its just not true. There are whackos in every group but that's not the tea party. I'm referring to the special interest groups that are bankrupting the country with their own agendas and our liberal and some republican politicians who whore our tax revenue out to buy their votes and political power. This country cannot continue to spend how it has been. It needs to stop.
  9. Tell me in your words, what makes the tea party a group of low information voters? What about the tea party can you justify your statement that they are a special interest group who is attempting to leech money for their interests and gain from the government? What programs are they experiencing personal gain from? If you want to make a statement like that, back it up with reasoning
  10. Are you serious? You honestly think a balanced budget is stupid? Yes I have a mortgage, and I pay it. In fact we have a household budget that we follow to ensure we will be able to pay all of our bills. Unfortunately that means I can't buy anything I want just because I want it. The government should try it.
  11. What's a failure is responsible government not being able to balance a budget, and spending money we don't have like drunken sailors and prostituting our tax revenue to buy political power and votes from special interest groups and low information voters.
  12. So your telling me we may have an angry short fused nut that might be a little crazy and want to hurt people for a linebacker that also happens to just straight up ball and make plays? Can we clone him?
  13. How did it all go? What did you end up doing? Just curious
  14. Thank you Abdul for risking your own life to protect innocence from evil. Your heroism is appreciated
  15. A random idea since you live on an island I don't know if this would be interesting to you since its not something you can do every day.... but take a drive down the 219 its a beautiful drive in the fall with the tree leaves changing colors and the hills. Ellictoville is a really cool little ski town about 45 minutes south that would be a nice ride
  16. Few other ideas, take the Niagara river jet boat ride, visit the downtown naval museum, the albright Knox art museum, pearl street grill and brewery, chefs Italian restaurant, Duffs,
  17. The irony is that modern liberals love Kennedy...but if they really had any idea they would actually be conservative. Like the liberal playbook says.... tell a lie enough and it becomes the truth
  18. Ya know....every time I hear that quote it makes me think that if JFK was alive and if he truly believed those words he would be conservative and not a democrat
  19. Haha... Seriously we have no business anything with Syria. Both sides fighting each other hate us. Why should we pick a side? One side is a dictator who has gassed his own people the other side is supported by al qaida and militant Islam. So again, why should we be involved here??
  20. I know the guy who was shot in the law office parking lot. He was there for work doing an insurance claim and was sitting in his car writing up a report when the scumbag walked up with one of Joe bidens favorite shotguns. He blew half of his jaw and face off, then the scumbag proceeded to look for other random white victims. Piece of worthless ****. But it's ok, no outrage because its just deliberate black on white crime. I wish the piece of **** was "white African American" maybe the media would care. Or maybe if his victims had skittles in their possession. !@#$ Jesse Jackson , al sharpton, the race baiting media and our empty suit race dividing class warfare, affirmative action presidential office holder For anyone who has never been to greenville I would describe it so us buffalonians can understand. Its basically like if amherst was a stand alone city. Similar size and population. The main thing in greenville is East Carolina university. It's a big college town
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