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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. They did learn. Iran for millions of dollars to pay NK to develop nuclear weapons for them. That's economic stimulus. Summer of recovery 32. If they have jobs they won't be terrorists amirite?
  2. No, he's the spokesman for the 4th Reich duh. The media and democrats said he's the next Hitler. Duh
  3. Germany is turning into a giant mess and they are in serious trouble, they can't even be honest with themselves and properly call the problem what it is. RIP to the innocent victims. New story....this one in France http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/07/26/french-police-kill-2-attackers-who-took-several-hostages-at-church.html Attackers too over a church and holding nuns and priest hostage. Sounds like police killed the terrorist scum but not before a few throats were slit. Absolute SCUMBAGS. "we don't get know the attackers motives" oh really? Take a wild guess.
  4. He doesn't seem like a bad guy. He honestly doesn't. He just seems to make very poor decisions and not at all self aware. Nieve and foolish and immature yes. Punk and jerk probably not. Maybe he should move in with Brian gionra or Matt mlulson to learn how to be an adult. No joke, so many of these "kids" that come up through juniors have spent most of their formative years with billet host families and various teams and coaching staffs who have done most of their administrative crap for them and let them run amuk. Most of these guys take time to mature unless they had a lot of stability with good host families who mentored them.
  5. There is some funny stiff on there. I'm partial to the aquaman weirdo guy with the trident chasing the Google mobile
  6. Which is better than cruising the bathrooms at Ellicott creek park
  7. I talked to Fred 2 or 3 weeks ago at my son's soccer game his kids were playing toi... He's still a great guy and active in the community. I didn't pry into what his plans were but wish him the best wherever life takes him. Deep down, I would love to see him sign and contribute in the playoffs. He's been one of my favorite bills it just seems right, but the realist in me knows its probably water under the bridge
  8. No joke being 100% honest I would rather have Putin as president than Hillary or Obama by a long shot. I genuinely think Putin is anti NWO and puts his country first. One of the reasons he seems to be hoping for a trump presidency is trump isn't the NWO type where Hillary and Obama are loyal minions.
  9. It wasn't just a woman, it was a pregnant woman. It makes this vile disgusting attack even more sickening. Another reason that if we can't figure out who these "refugees" are, they should not be allowed into our country. France and Germany have already welcomed an invading army walking over Its borders. They have willfully caused the future destruction of their civilizations.
  10. What is his position on the 2A and border security/ illegal immigration
  11. If that's the case, then the intercepted Hillary server emails get released nice and convienently in october. Come on ol' Vlad save us.
  12. I agree with you. Something is not adding up here. I'm sure we can trust European socialists with an agenda to protect their terrorist refugees. They wouldn't withhold information like torture and mutilation at the bataclab or anything.... Have we caught the Orlando shooters wife yet?
  13. I'm excited the DNC and media are being exposed. Unfortunately not enough people willcare
  14. Yup... The media is officially, beyond any doubt, the progressive socialist agendas state controlled ministry of propaganda.
  15. No one is voting for trump based on his religious views. Just like no one voted for obama based of his rev. Wright and Muslim views. Its basically 2 groups of people. Group 1, says #nevertrump, I'll vote for anyone over trump, even a treasonous criminal. Group 2, says #neverhillary, I'll vote for a guy who is probably lying about more than 50% of what he says and his views because he isn't Hillary. Even if he may be lying, you certainly know where the queen in Waiting stands and if there is a chance trump might be ok, hes a better roll of the dice. Like, if I told you that you need life saving surgery and you have 2 doctors who can perform the operation, doctor 1 has a long record of being a surgeon, the only problem is every one of her patients have died and should probably should have lost her licence multiple times. The other option is this guy who has never done an operation but says he can do it.
  16. No one really thinks he's a conservative. But, he's the best chance to save the country and keep Hillary out of the white house. And, if trump blows up the whole system it might be the "reset button" we need to redeux the Republican party and get it back to it's roots since its been bastardized and has just turned into a spineless Democrat-lite party of losers. So if Donald trump blows it up and a new more libertarian constitutionally conservative party emerges from his damage, bring it on. That's the worst thing I see happening if trump implodes and goes off the rails is a complete party restructure. Get rid of the Bush's, mccains, Romney's etc... Hillary presidency = supreme court and the constitution will be fundamentally changed and I'm not ok with that. They can both do damage, but hillary's can kill the country wheras trumps might just kill an already ineffective political party.
  17. The media sucks. Period. Deliberately trying to mislead and redirect away from the real issues to manipulate the masses and steering the conversation to what narrative they want to control
  18. Wtf man... RIP to the innocent victims. The world is absolutely going to help quickly....
  19. A shadowy character that made a YouTube video 42 people viewed?
  20. So... What's up with Incirlik? Is it along with ~50ish b61s still being held held in a state of defacto hostage? Why aren't more people reporting on that....it's kinda a big deal man. Wtf...
  21. Just think.....if trump bought the bills maybe she could have taken Russ Brandon's job. Bahwawawawawa
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