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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Damnit chloe! Yes! This is the only news that could make me feel better after last nights game. I love me some 24
  2. Toss up between tebow or freeman. I would give either a shot. Kick the tires...
  3. When favre and Edwards are brought up you know things are desperate.... sigh... here's to hoping freeman is interested. He played some good ball
  4. Well Msnbc says they don't like black people and the president is half black so they must be angry that the south lost the civil war. Duh. And Herr Obama says they obstruct everything, and I don't know what that means but ill go with it. Tea baggers!! /gatorman
  5. Lol I remember the coffee party. Haha... I honestly think the republican party will split in the near future between the establishment and fiscally conservative tea party
  6. Wgr interviewed him, and asked him about byrd last week. Said he was a good team mate etc..
  7. Pretty much spot on. This is the obama Chicago style democrat playbook. Like I said earlier Obama doesn't give a **** about us or this country its all about his party ideology and consolidating his power. In his mind the end justifies the means. To prove how ridiculous this has become I can't even say that wirh someone stooping to childish level with "tea bagger" jokes. That's the narrative Obama and the media have created. It's pathetic
  8. EJ not looking sharp... hope he maks more plays in this half
  9. Alonso is honestly in my top 3 favorite bills playerd on this team
  10. Omg thought alonso was ignoring that whistle and going to kill a 3rd player
  11. Would be funnier if their brown was accented by yellow, it could be little corn pieces Haha
  12. I can see kiko alonso jersey sales sky rocketing in the near future
  13. Kiko is racking up an impressive body count
  14. Or use choice for first half to grind it out and put CJ in when D is more worn down
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