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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. You need to relax you are way over reacting or mis reading my intent. The NFL should focus on men's health issues since more than 75% of their audience is men, and men are more reluctant or ignorant on prostate health then women on breast health, they should also promote prostate cancer awareness. It wasn't a competition but an observation. Prostate cancer awareness gets very little attention. Everyone know about breast cancer and the pink ribbons. I'm not being insensitive because I've had breast cancer in my family on loved ones.
  2. Out of curosity, anyone seen juror#8 lately? I'm suprised he hasn't chimed in for this
  3. No he doesn't think the average voter is stupid, he KNOWS the average voter is stupid, he was re elected.
  4. Until the bills just lost, the AFC east was the only division to not have a team with losing record and most if the losses were within the division. I'm sick of hearing how great the NFC Is. And I really hate how the NFC East is constantly hyped up.
  5. Hate to admit it...but he doesn't look bad. He is making plays. If geno goes on to have a better career we will never hear the end if it since we had our choice of them. Ugghh...... Come on EJ!!!!
  6. Agree 100% is it a coincidence that the pats* had a losing record under the replacement refs??? Hmm.... some things in life are not just random...
  7. Hell even I could look good as an NFL coach when I have arguably the greatest QB in the history of the league on my team.
  8. Go ahead and laugh but supporting prostate cancer awareness would make so much more sense. The NFL audience is mostly male and prostate cancer kills more men than breast cancer does women.
  9. No joke I would go 0-82 If I meant darcy would finally get fired. He's such a terrible GM. he is working on his 3rd rebuilding without ever building a champion. He his mis managed his roster and missed the playoffs more often than not, by a lot. His track record is terrible. How he is so bad as a GM and still has his job is unreal. He's robbing the sabres blind
  10. Is this a spread from an SEC team playing a MAC team? Holy crap that is a monster NFL spread. Embarrassing for the jags
  11. Suspicious at best. You can call holding on every NFL play if you want to. Being a bills fan and playing the pats* twice a year every year nothing with the pats* is a surprise. I don't believe in conspiracies but there has to be something going on with pats* and the NFL A few weird instances are explainable as random or coincidence. But the pats ALWAYS have everything fall in their favor. That's not random.
  12. Can we please please please finally fire darcy. I will go 0-82 if it finally gets him fired
  13. It's ugly. 2 goals in 3 games? Yikes...
  14. The one who was consistently spot on was tom bauerle on wben930 in buffalo
  15. They know it would be political suicide to actually put down on paper what and where and how much they want to put into their programs
  16. Should we know what were voting for first? Or vote to see what's in it?
  17. First off that's extremely stupid. Secondly did the president have anything at all to do with it? Third, was there a government shutdown, no budget for years, sky rocketing federal spending and a war going on? Priorities? Shut up tool
  18. Left guard anyone? QB? High Draft pick? Sign me up for any of them
  19. Redskins.... government shutdown....Redskins.....government shutdown...... Redskins! Let me be clear...this is bushs fault.
  20. His balls Literally might be in her purse
  21. I constantly see crotch rockets driving extremely aggressive and wrecklessly. Speeding, wheelies in traffic weaving between lanes, etc... More the Harley type think their obnoxious loud pipes are sweet (which they aren't) and loud pipes don't save lives contrary to what they think. Typically I see a lot of these guys riding 2 to 3 wide blocking lanes , erratic lane changes with no signaling etc... Don't get me wrong not all bike riders are tools there are plenty though. But I do get frusterated when I see a motorcycle riding responsibly and an idiot driving a car and texting is driving 10 feet behind a biker. So it does go both ways The only biker types I consistently see driving well are the Canadians on like BMW touring bikes hauling little trailers or guys riding basic Harley / Honda cruiser type bikes with all the factory parts still on But its just a pet peeve of mine that all the bikers are always yelling at cars to watch out but at the same time so many bikers drive so wrecklessly and irresponsibly Unfortunately not just bikers drive irresponsibly It drives me crazy seeing people swerving all over the road, texting, blindly following their GPS, putting on makeup, etc...oblivious to what is going on around them. no situational awareness Don't get me started on mini vans
  22. More bikers than not ( harleys and crotch rockets) act like douchehags on the road
  23. I would just be happy to trade byrd for a left guard who can play. Yeeesh that was painful to watch last night
  24. Did you watch the game last nigjt? Alonso is going to be special. He looks like he's somewhere between urlacher and polamalou in his instincts and athleticsm
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