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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. For all the adversity we have had this year, at least the games are entertaining and competitive. I have no problem watching and rooting for these young players and coaches to continue to improve and develop into winners.
  2. Did tebow bang your sister or something? You have irrational hate against him. You take every possible opportunity to go on a vendetta anytime someone mentions his name. Its obsessive creepy. We have built an impressive list of burn out qbs we have ripped through in just the past 2-3 years. I'm sure in the future we could add Brady Quinn, Sam bradford, mark sanchez, jimmy clauson or Christian ponder to our list. Lol
  3. At least we wont be the only cursed team/stadium in the league. I really wish an old Indian burial ground world emerge from under Gillette stadium....sigh
  4. Very frightening. What are the odds the NSA has better access to troll the database information than the average citizen can even access the site to register. "Trust me...I'm with the government and I'm here to help" The amount of information this administration mines from citizens is Frigging terrifying. I'm sure this will run more smoothly than the IRS. I wonder if you have to declare a political party on the health insurance application!
  5. I have the obvious solution where everybody wins. Give downstate, NYC and long island to new jersey!
  6. Is it bad that conners arguments seem logical compared to gatorman. That's how far we have lowered the bar. Yikes
  7. What are you talking about??? Hacketts rag tag group of rookie and 2nd year WRs (goodwins 2nd game of career at that) and a practice squad QB starting the 2nd game of his career minus their best WR, and game changing RB was banged up. Somehow they just performed better than Tom Bradys team, by a lot. Just last week against the same team.
  8. Seems like he probably flew SEA-MSP-BUF and by pure chance the MSP-BUF leg of the flight he happened to share with sports writers going to buffalo. Either way at least the bills are doing their due diligence and kicking the tires.
  9. I think its hard to tackle with one arm.... hopefully he gets the club off sooner than later
  10. I think that they are going to have a hard time selling remaining single game tickets. Many season ticket holders are trying to dump a lot of their games on the cheap on stubhub and other secondary markets which is weakening the sabres official ticket sales for remaining single games. If season ticket holders can't sell some games for a profit getting some money back they will be less likely to renew next year. It won't be immediate but I think their ticket sales really are going to suffer. The fanbase is sick of this crap and sick of darcys teams.
  11. What the !@#$ is wrong with our douchebag politicians and president who are trying to exploit veterans to twist it and appeal to the publics outcry to try and make republicans look bad. Obama is a !@#$ing scumbag
  12. Not a sports movie.... but the alamo. You feel like your rooting for the good guys, you feel like everything is stacked against you. Then at the end everyone dies.
  13. Obamas army of IRS agents will be visiting you momentarily. Please stay calm and remain seated.
  14. Good luck and I mean that sincerely. That is scary stuff.
  15. The senate can't even perform basic job functions like submit a budget. Not even a balanced budget, just a budget. Any budget. They can't err won't. I'm all for voting out 95% of all politicians and in fact would LOVE term limits. I think it would do wonders to get rid of disconnected, incompetent corrupt idiot politicians who care about nothing except advancing their careers. Unfortunately that will never happen. You can't win an argument against Santa Claus. As long as the current politicians will whore themselves out and buy votes by redistribution of income like obama phones, the system will never change. You can't win against Santa Claus. The media and democrats have done a good job to frame the debate to the point where It doesn't matter if we can't afford it or if its right or wrong. That's all irrelevant. The only thing the average voter gets is that your an insensitive, poor person hating, racist, horse owning, evil republican if you say otherwise.
  16. Either way, no way his head is right. Focusing on work is probably the last thing on his mind. He's probably extremely distracted.
  17. Who is EJ smith? Ej Manuel and geno smith had an un natural love child??
  18. This is the stuff in the world that is really frightening. The worst part about it if you stopped the average American on the street they would be more likely to be able to tell you about American idol than they would be to identify where India is on a map or who is the senate majority leader and whether or not he has presented a budget in the past few years. Not to say that our current geo political climate is akin to the pre war 1930s, but there are similarities. Maybe better compared to Russian/USSR ambitions in the 70's. The Chinese military is significantly more developed and advanced than reported. Their government hides how much money is spent on military programs. They are rapidly closing the military gap. They are also extremely good at military industrial espionage and have stolen most of our high tech sensitive technology we have invested vast resources developing. But for all the ignorant tools in our country that vote based on what oprah or Kim kardashian think please just stop voting if you are clueless.
  19. Fire regier now. I do not want him in charge of this rebuild. He has mis managed this team to the ground multiple times. Enough. Nothing will improve until darcy is fired. I have no emotion watching this pathetic team. I hope chicago beats us 10-0.
  20. I think because its a passing league more than ever, more QB drop backs are more opportunity for sacks.
  21. Crazy I remember reading his one thread about he was losing it over his co worker, and fiancee and everything. Yikes...
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