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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Have these pics shown up on the internets anywhere yet?
  2. A Few I thought of while enjoying multiple adult beverages mostly on inventions within the past 100 years or so Self contained rifle cartridge or rifled barrels GPS (for all the military applications) in addition to directing idiots to "turn left now" directly into a lake. Porn (although there is ancient porn back in the time of the wheel, and the printing press could be used to mass produce) The space shuttle Motion camera (dont remember if it made the list) (obviously for porn) X-ray Radar / doppler radar.( military, weather, air travel)
  3. Yes!! Haha a giraffe on skates. I really hate this sabres team and I really hate darcy for building. Im not spending another dime (merchandise tickets etc..) until darcy is fired.
  4. Ever see the movie idiotocracy? I'm 100% convinced the idiots have multipled enough to the point where we are a generation closer and increasing the odds that our civilization will be dumber in the future that it currently is. 5 generations from now after reality tv and obama the smartest person in the world really might be a hooker from the past in a time machine.
  5. I'll check this out. I use radarnow Seriously my favorite thing about a smart phone is having doppler on my phone with 1 push of a button anywhere. Love it.
  6. I always thought it was weird or awkward in school gym/swimming etc..to be naked in front of classmates. But in boot camp it wasn't nearly as awkward and never even thought about it ever. No big deal. Even doubling up in urinals when we were in a hurry, no big deal. So i guess for me different situations, different outcomes
  7. The bills have a fighters chance. I think we will be much more competitive of a game than most abd If they get a break or two we can win it. The bills have played a harder strength of schedule and the AFC is the tougher division so far. The bills have been competitive in every single game.
  8. Are you serious? Where do you get your information you make your opinions and judgements on?
  9. You evil 1%er. Your probably even rich enough to own a horse
  10. Rail is the answer! If only government controlled all transportation.....
  11. I don't have a viable real party I identify with. Currently I'm enrolled as republican (eligibility for ny primary voting) I would identify myself as a fiscal conservative, values individual freedoms, limits government and I really don't care about 90% of the republicans stands on social issues. so if the tea party ever became a third party then I would register with them. Generally I'm all for live and let live between law abiding consenting adults. The one moral issue I do feel strongly about is I am pro life. If you are irresponsible and don't want a baby. Then give it up for adoption. My wife is pregnant and seeing and feeling her belly move around with a little person inside is unreal. Seeing the heartbeat on the sonograms etc... unreal Don't get me started on catholics or Christians who support democrarts who are pro abortion you can't be both.
  12. What do you think we should do? Should the government spend within its means, or find a way to borrow money faster than can be repaid?
  13. If your employer doesn't want their employees on drugs for any number of reasons, that is their choice and can terminate your employment. Professional athletes are still employees who still work for a franchise and have rules to follow and expectations to follow if they would like to receive compensation
  14. Herein lies the liberal double standard the main stream media condones That's going to piss some people off. Oops...guess you should have elected people to represent you that would actually read and understand what was in legislation that will fundamentally change our country, ya know....BEFORE they vote on it.
  15. Fred Jackson is awesome and I think you could make an argument he is one If the most under appreciated players in the league. If he played for cowboys/pats*/giants etc...he would be a star with more media exposure. He's the heart and soul of the team. It seems how fred goes the team goes. He is also very good in the community and super down to earth. I actually saw him at my sons schools open house last week and he was just hanging out with his family and visiting with teachers. Super cool to see.(and no I didn't bother him, that would have been tacky and rude) all the other parents let him do his thing too so It was nice to see everyone respectfully giving him his space just like anyone else.
  16. Un!@#$ingbelievable. You simply cannot make up incompetence on this level. Yes we can! Hope and change! Forward! Most transparent administration Worst administration ever.
  17. Do you know any sweet helpless grandmas I can feed dog food to right before I throw her over a cliff into water filled with sharks wearing laser beams on their heads? You are such a useful pawn for progressivism to destroy America. Tool.
  18. I hate the pats* and jets infinitely more than dolphins. The dolphins are meh... The bills and dolphins are not rivals anymore. Another reason why the bills should be in the afc north. Those would be serious rivalries.
  19. Teds- chargrilled hotdogs Louies- get a slimedog TIM hortons- coffee or hot Apple cider Mighty taco- if your drunk....anything pasquales- pizza Duffs- wings Dannys- chicken wing soup Chefs- spaghetti parm Pearl street grill brewery- a tube of street brawler Don't be afraid to try the local restaurants. There are many food choices. Some are cheap and quick while others may be fancier but there is lots of good food here. Compared to many other parts of the country we don't have as many national food chains because local restaurants are popular. For entertainment.... Albright Knox art museum Frank Lloyd wright architecture Buffalo naval museum is cool Letchworth state park is really nice Niagara wine trail Finger lakes wine trails (keuka, seneca, cayuga) Obviously Niagara falls Let us know what you are looking to do and we can be more specific
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