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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Me too. Sign me up for a coach that does whatever gives him the best mathematical chance to win.
  2. As an example oh how it can be used....anytime you cross the 50 yd line between the 50 to 30 yard area you plan on going into 4th down territory. And if you change your strategy knowing ahead of time you are going to go for it between the 50 to 30 yd area, the way you call plays on first second and third will change because you will be giving yourself fourth down. An obvious passing situation like 2nd and 9 or 3rd and 6 where you are more likely to have a safety and LBs drop into coverage instead of loading 8 in the box will be optilmal times to run with a high probability to get 4 or 5 yds.
  3. It's amazing everyone overlooks this guy. I forgot where I read about or heard it but the premise is that guy was the brains behind the hoodie. I think he either has autism or aspergers but is unreal at numbers and signals. From what I remember at least.
  4. I forgot the guy in the pats* organization that is their rainman numbers guy that no one really knows what he does but he's always with the hoodie. I think he was their rainman numbers guy/signal stealer during their spygate era
  5. I'm super excited. this is fantastic news and further proof that the bills really finally are different. It's not the same old bills anymore. Everything has a genuinely refreshing different feel to it and I'm excited. I analyze numbers at work as a secondary function of my job. There certainly are trends, tendencies and percentages that can be used in football to come up with strategy, game planning and in game management. I love this move.
  6. Fair enough I misunderstood your post. I thought you were in favor to just keep borrowing with wreckless abandon
  7. Liberals who have never managed anything in their careers besides their political careers, made this terrible law with alleged good intentions to help the masses, while they lied to the public for support and bribed corrupt politicians for their votes. All the while they made this monstrosity for all of us, they felt it necessary to exempt themselves to not have to follow this. Do as I say not as I do. And no one in the main stream media bothered to do their jobs to actually investigate this All we had to do was pass it to find our whats in it!!! What could possibly go wrong??? Forward!!!
  8. We can only hope. The patriots deserve another decade of irrelevant suffering
  9. This sounds a lot like the mid 90's for me too. Pretty much spot on
  10. Letchworth state park, a sabres game, alright Knox art museum, ellicotville, hit a wine trail, buffalo naval park museum
  11. Unfortunately this one won't. His willful ignorance , stupidity and racism needs to be crushed and called out and exposed for what it is. Tools like this need to be taken to task.
  12. We can only be so lucky....I'm sure he will re-emerge under a new name. Did we ever come to a consensus if gatorman is Dave in Norfolk?
  13. This. I'm from the government, I know best and I'm here to help. Trust me.
  14. Now your just in denial that your a racist
  15. You are a complete party hack. You must go out of your way to say the dumbes possible things you can imagine to outrage people. No way these are your own original thoughts and beliefs.
  16. Gatorman why do you hate black prople so much? Why are you supporting policies preventing them from being independent and self sufficient. You racist Queing juror8....maybe?
  17. So this is funny to you? A US ambassador along with other brave Americans killed by terrorists, with ignored warnings, being blatantly lied to and stonewalled, this is funny? President being derelict in command, that's funny? Ignoring pleas for help is that funny? Or was joe biden lying to Mr woods face over his dead son funny? Your right. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE??!!? EEKK
  18. They might as well just keep data mining all the info they have been collecting from your smart phone... They all have GPS, they know where you are, when, times, speeds, they know what route you take on your daily commute, they know how long you work, they know who your associates are based on their phone location records in comparison to yours, Oh and 90% of people have smart phones and willing err unknowungly help collect this data without having a clue they are doing it.
  19. The most frustrating part of all of this is that the administration will not be held accountable for bold face lying to the American people. "A shadowy character....with an obscure video no one has ever watched....." led to more lies to us and obama and Clinton on another apology tour in the Muslim world with some convoluted bull **** lame attempt to justify our freedom of speech and to put out tv commercial apologies on Muslim tv channels Wtf??!!
  20. It was honestly painful listening to douchebag dierdorf
  21. Agreed. Now trade miller. I thinks its clear darcy is feeling the heat and trying to distract the fans. I like the trade but I still want darcy gone.
  22. Haven't seen enough of flynn to make any type of judgement... for thought what about throwing Dennis Dixon into the mix? I love the heart and grit Lewis played with
  23. This would actually make a lot of sense especially if the decision to shut CJ down has been made. They will need a 3rd back and they are probably going to lean heavily on ball possession and keeping it away from brees and will have to be able to effectively run the ball.
  24. Well that's all he's good at. He can fundraise with the best of em. .........Well and he can also blame republicans, read a teleprompter and campaign all quite well. Oh and he's also proficient in travel and golf.
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