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Everything posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. 2 And ill refrain from making any west Virginia jokes..... but hey its a gorgeous state.
  2. Stalin purged his military's leadership too. Obama is trying to instill a culture of fear that if you do not toe the party line and follow the agenda that your career is over. More Chicago style thug politics at its finest. Why on earth would Herr Obama want to Drive out highly decorated, loyal, America loving patriots, who are experts in their fields and have experience and leadership the military needs to be cohesive and effective fighting force, in a time if war of all things??? Hmmm.....
  3. 4th and 1 with Brady is automatic first down Just go 4 wide spread the field out, reduce the amount of huge guys all piled up on the line of scrimmage and QB sneak it.
  4. One is convienent and pushed by the media and progressive politicians to further their agenda, the other is irrelevant unless you are somehow involved. Guess which is which
  5. I agree with this. The main difference being this idiot has the ability to vote, law makers he doesnt agree with are in power. Ironically this guy who allegedly hates big government chose to live in one of the most liberal states. Perhaps if he just moved to another state he would have been happier. Or the even more simple solution, if you think the tsa infringes on your rights, don't !@#$ing fly! Take your high speed 80mph train to nowhere or drive instead. But as pathetic as it is obama and co will use this to demonize the gun clinging right. This will become the narrative of the story
  6. The only good thing he has going for him is that kc hasn't spent all week specifically developing a game plan against him. And there is not a lot of footage on what he can or cannot do. No one really knows... But I'm still not feeling warm and fuzzy over this, I hope I'm wrong but I don't see it going well
  7. If your employer has rules, follow them. If you don't like it, find a new line of work. There shouldn't be any pity for him. He's not a victim. He made his choices. Hopefully he learns, changes his behavior and over comes the adversity he has created for himself
  8. Agree. Kaleta had a role on the team as a fantastic penalty killer, was willing and good at blocking shots, sacrificing his body to draw the most penalties in the league and from what I've heard was a liked guy in the locker room. There is always a place for a reasonably paid 3-4th line grinder role player. All he had to do was clean up some of the edge in his game and stop getting suspended. It's just another feather in darcys cap of mismanagement. It also sends the wrong message to young impressionable players that hard work and sacrifice are not rewarded. Glad we still have stafford
  9. Can we please just trade miller, myers, leino, stafford and all the rest of the dead weight
  10. (I'm playing devils advocate. Might as well at least try to get used to it because Obama, holder and co are going to ramp up their crusade against all who don't want their big government babysiting from cradle to grave, but I digress) Devils advocate, what is different from what this guy did and what happened when colonists stood up to king George at Lexington and concord? (I am not condoning this, I haven't even read a report on all the details that have happened)
  11. Your right. He's not an idiot, he's actually a victim. /sarcasm He is (or in this case is not) responsible for his own actions and behaviors. If he is !@#$ing up and not following his company's rules it shouldn't be a suprise to him that his actions have consequences.
  12. What was the deal in swimming naked in class. Honestly does anyone know what the logic behind It was?
  13. What an idiot wasting his talent. Lol sucks for the jags, they are even worse without him
  14. I think its bull **** that the citizens of western ny are taxed to help support the bills and their stadium. And then during a blackout the same tax payers are not able to watch said team on tv. Wtf crap is that. That's so dirty.
  15. Who would have ever thought back in august if someone would have said ........, thad Lewis is doubtful, what are we going to do???
  16. All this colossal disaster is going to be used by obama and the dems as evidence its not working and its the obstructionist republicans fault. He will then say in order to make this work the government needs greater control and he will then sell a single payer system to an idiot populace with collective short term memories and low information. Next the government will be in control of all things healthcare. Once they have that power they will use it for more control. It costs more to insure people who smoke, drink, eat fatty foods and red meat, too much sodium or pops that are just too big. they will start by demonizing specific groups, look at ny state. First the smokers, then soda drinkers, next will be drinkers. It's all just a colossal waste of money to further increase government control. Gatorman, yes it can and will happen. Quote me.
  17. I have a 360 now, if and when I upgrade it will be to ps4 I'm sick of paying for yearly membership to xbox live
  18. If harry Reid and the senate dems could just put together a budget...
  19. Morrrrre powerrrr!!!! I need more power!!! Bwaaaahhhhhhh. Cackle Cackle Cackle As more Information continues to leak out and the narrative becomes more clear. The one thing that is striking to me is the heroism displayed by the Americans on the ground in Libya, and the cowardice, lack of leadership and career preservation mentality in Washington DC by obama, Clinton and their minions
  20. More than anything...what does this say for how they feel about Bradys future? Are they already looking to groom his replacement? Do they think Brady is declining and his days are numbered?
  21. Its not about too many chefs per say, but giving your coach the most accurate information for him to make his decisions
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